Chapter 28

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Elisabeth's POV

I hung up the phone call with Eli and looked at Nathan who had me sitting down on the couch with a gun pointed at my head.  Abby sat opposite of me and was whimpering slightly as Nathan had his arm draped around her shoulder. 

"So what, you are going to kill us all?"  I asked and he smiled slightly as he shook his head.

"No I'm not going to kill y'all, I'm going to kill you and Eli.  I'm then going to take my daughter to come and live with me.  After all a girl needs her father."  I laughed slightly and he stood up slapping me across the face. 

"And what the hell do you find so funny?"  He yelled and I smiled as I looked up at him, ignoring the pain in my cheek. 

"Just the fact that you think you could ever be her father.  Have you ever thought to realize that she does not want you to be her father?"  I asked and he looked from Abby to me. 

"Of  course she wants me to be her father, who else would she want?"  I smirked as I motioned for Abby to keep quiet.

"Well the day she realized that you were her father she asked me if she could pick her own father.  And guess who she picked, Eli."  His eyes widened and I laughed.  He slapped me once more across the face as I continued laughing. 

"Shut up you little bitch!"  I stared at him and shook my head as I smiled. 

"I mean can you blame her Nathan?  You're a pretty shitty person and I know I would easily pick someone else as a father.  Hell I'd pick a homeless man as a father."  He smirked at my statement which led me to looking at him with a confused expression.

"Yeah you need a new father huh?  You want to know what happened the night they were murdered?"  I stared at him shocked and he chuckled to himself.  "Well I hope so, I love a good story.  The night that you went to find Eli, I and a few of my men snuck into your parents house.  Don't worry they did not hurt your parents, I was the one that killed them.  I looked your mother in the eyes and said 'an abortion would have saved your family this pain' and then I shot her, right in front of Abby and your father.  Next, oh Elisabeth, let me tell you about the next part.  I was so excited to off your dad I didn't even use my gun.  I grabbed the crow bar one of my men had and bashed his face in, all the while Abby was crying and screaming her eyes out."  I felt tears running down my cheek as he finished his story. 

"You are a heartless bastard!  I don't know why I ever slept you with," he smiled and leaned over kissing me softly on the lips. 

"Because I put a roofie in your drink sweetheart."  I stared at him wide eyed as he whispered in my ear.  If I was standing I knew I would have fallen to my knees. 

"I blamed myself for that night, I blamed myself for drinking to much and it's all because you fucking roofied me?  I hope you rot in hell you piece of shit!"  He laughed and stood up as we all heard a car pulling onto my gravel driveway. 

"Great our fourth man has arrived, now Elisabeth I want you to invite him into the house and act as if everything is normal."  I shook my head and he pulled the gun from my head and cocked it towards Abby.  She covered her mouth as she let out a loud cry.

"OKAY! Okay, I'll do it.  Please just leave her alone."  He smiled and I stood up walking towards the front door.  I waited for the knock and I opened the door quickly.  Eli looked me up and down and then focused on my face. 

"Elisabeth is everything alright.  Your cheek is read and you have tear streaks.  What's going on?"  He asked and I sighed as I shook my head no. 

"I ran into wall, everything's fine.  Come on in."  He looked at me a little confused but walked in anyways.  I shut the door and that was when I heard the chuckle. 

"You just can't help yourself from falling in love with her can you?  I know the feeling, that's why I picked her to mother my child."  He motioned for us to head towards the couch with the gun.  Eli didn't seem like he wanted to move so I took his arm and dragged him towards the couch with me.  "You see everything I ever did to her was an act, I needed her to believe I wanted nothing to do with Abby so we could be in this situation right here.  Abby needs her father and that's what she's going to get.  I need you and Elisabeth out of the way so I can raise my daughter the proper way.  So she can know the gang life.  There's no other way to life."  Eli tensed beside me and I closed my eyes. 

"You are a sick son of a bitch!"  Eli yelled as he stood up and charged towards Nathan.  He was taken by surprise and before I knew it Eli had him on the ground and was beating the crap out of him.  I picked up Abby and ran towards my bedroom. 

"Abby I need you to hide under my bed and no matter what you hear I don't want you to move."  She nodded and quickly scurried under my bed.  I went to my closet and pulled out the gun I had hidden in case of emergencies.  I checked to make sure it was loaded and then ran back out and down the hallway.  I stopped when I heard the gun shot and saw Eli fall to the ground.  I raised my gun towards Nathan and took a deep breath.  "Hey asshole!"  I yelled and he turned slowly looking at me.  "Say hello to Eli's father for me!"  I pulled the trigger and the gun shot rang out throughout the house.  I watched as he fell to the ground and I rushed over to Eli, dropping my gun in the process. 

There was blood coming from his stomach and slowly seeping from the right side of his mouth.  "Elisabeth?"  He coughed as I brought his head to my lap. 

"Eli shhhhh," I reached into my pocket for my cell phone and quickly dialed 9-1-1. 

"9-1-1 what is your emergency?"  The phone operator asked in a nice voice.

"Help us, my boyfriend has been shot.  We are at 29345 N Ranch Road.  Please hurry!"  I hung up the phone and looked down at Eli.  He was staring straight into my eyes with so much love.

"W... why are crying?"  He asked and I felt my face to find wetness surrounding my cheeks.  I smiled down at him and kissed him gently.

"Because it took me till now to realize that I can't live a day without you.  Please don't leave me Eli."  He laughed softly, before groaning in pain.  I could feel my sobs coming out harder as he raised his hand to my cheek. 

"I will always love you Elisabeth.  I'm glad I met you and Abby."  I smiled and closed my eyes, trying to catch my breathing. 

"Then you have to make it out of this.  You have to be there for Abby she wants you!  You have to be her father!"  His hand fell from my face and I opened my eyes to look at him.  His once passion filled eyes were closed and I couldn't hear him breathing.  "ELI!"  I yelled as I began shaking him violently.  "Eli please wake up, please Eli, I need you.  I love you Eli, I want you to marry me.  Eli did you hear that, I just asked you to marry me."  I continued to shake him until the paramedics made their way into my home and removed me from his side.  They all looked at my grimly and I felt myself begin to cry harder and harder.  No he can't be gone.

"There's a pulse!" 

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