Love and Destiny : Chapter Twenty Nine

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"What?" Gerald stared at her accusingly.

Sarah just continued to laugh right at him. "That little old lady must have been a

first for you huh?"

Nice to know you appeal to the elderly too." And she kept on laughing again.

"You should know right? I'm irresistible." Gerald pointed out.

Sarah fell silent and turned beet red. Gerald coughed at the awkwardness.

"I'm sorry. I guess I went a little too far." He said.

"Same here," Sarah claimed, "I didn't mean anything by that joke you know."

"Let's just put it behind us. Truce?" Gerald said offering his hand. Sarah took

his hand and shook it in confidence. Gerald however used it to pull her toward

him. He placed a soft kiss on her mouth which made her gasp in surprise and

pull away.

"Don't do that again, please." Sarah said a little sternly. Before Gerald could

respond, their car came to a halt. They had finally arrived at the property

Gerald was interested in. Sarah was quick to note that it was only a few

blocks away from her own home. Gerald had called a real estate agent

friend of his earlier that day and arranged a tour. Said agent, named Paul,

was waiting for them at the lobby. They took the elevator to the 7th floor of

the building to a spacious entryway. It was like someone tacked a mansion

to the building, however illogical that sounded. Paul listed off the number

of rooms which was around six, the professional kitchen, the huge drawing

room that Gerald could convert into a music studio, among other things. Paul

had really wanted to show him this particular flat since it belonged to a

Hollywood movie star from a few decades ago.

After they were done, Paul accompanied Sarah and Gerald to the suburbs

to look at country houses. They were larger than ordinary. The one they

visited reminded Sarah of the Sound of Music from the outside. Inside

however they were greeted by a sweeping hallway, high ceilings and

grand banisters. This was a place where you could hold balls or raving

parties in Gerald's case.

There was a steady breeze drifting about the house which kept it cool.

The rooms were already furnished in plush Victorian style. There was

even a music room with a grand piano that had great acoustics. Gerald

loved it. Sarah on the other hand noticed the children's playground in the

back along with a treehouse, a beautiful gazebo covered in lilies and

the pool made to look like a pond.

Sarah loved the romantic feel of the place. In the meantime, Paul listed off

various other conveniences like the few minutes' drive and the helipad

the previous owners decided to install. It was getting late in the afternoon

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