Love and Destiny : Chapter Seventeen

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Gerald Salinger sat on the breakfast chair of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Last

night was his 56th concert and the whole event sold-out. It was at a time like

this that Gerald wanted to share his victory with someone special. Kimera was

out of the question, she was more a security blanket rather that someone who

truly understood him. Gerald was a little thankful that she had other things to

attend to. He found his thoughts drifting toward Sarah. He hadn't known her

for long but he couldn't help but feel that she would be supportive of him.

Gerald sighed, even when he tried to forget Sarah she still managed to creep

into his mind.

Gerald ate the rest of his breakfast and headed for the shower. He still had

some songs to record at the studio. Gerald has been in the industry for a while

now. With his experience and connections, he felt that it was time to retire

from the music scene and open his own recording company. Besides, it was

about time that he got to relax and enjoy life without jumping onto the next

plane for another concert. Gerald made his way to the studio in his car and

called up his manager. He had a couple of interviews and a guest appearance

on a tv show that needed to be finalized.

"Hello Stuart? Have you finalized the plans for the next couple of weeks? I

need to see if you can fit in the evening gala Kimera needs to attend.

Apparently I owe her."

"The day of the gala and after that is free to schedule Mr. Salinger. I'll double

check to see if you may have any prior engagements and I'll let you know first

thing tomorrow."

"Thank you very much Stuart. Remind me to give you a raise. I swear that I

can't do this stuff on my own."

"It's my job Mr. Salinger, don't worry about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to

look over your contract with Sony Music."

"Okay then. Get some rest too would you? You work too hard."

Gerald hung up and went back to work. Everything and everyone at the studio

was ready and he was the only one missing. He spent nearly 12 hours

recording his songs and going over them again to check the end product. The

session ended around 9pm and he was dead tired. As he trudged on home, he

wished that someone was waiting to greet him at the door. Maybe he should

get a dog.

Gerald ate a dinner by himself and thought about how to get to sleep. He

rummaged around his wine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. He

skipped formalities and drank straight from the bottle. As he was resting in his

bed his thoughts drifted to Sarah. He had tried calling her in France but all he

got was that she already left for New York. He could probably phone Mrs. De

Villa again but he didn't want to seem desperate. Maybe it was for the best or

maybe a sign that they weren't meant to be together. He only knew her for a

few weeks after all. But at times like these, when he let go of his inhibitions, he

just missed her so goddamn much. Frowning in disgust, Gerald downed what

was left of the whiskey and threw the bottle clear across the room. He might

have heard something break but he didn't care as he drifted off to sleep.

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