Love and Destiny : Chapter Thirty Four

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Kimera paced the hotel room as she watched the late broadcast on

television. Gerald has announced his intention of revealing

everything on Oprah Winfrey's show. She had dialed his number a

 lot of times but the line was busy. She'll be ruined for sure if he tells

the truth about their relationship and she cannot risk this. The TV

producer she is going to marry will be filing for divorce with his wife

soon and if Gerald ruined her reputation, she'll never get her

chance to be ultimately successful.

Kimera dialed his number again, the phone rang. A little answered

the phone, she knew it was Ria. She asked for Gerald. After a while,

Kimera heard Gerald's voice.

"Thank god.. I was watching tonight's news and...and..."

"I'm telling everything Kimera..."

"No you can't!"

"I have to for Ria's sake."

"What about me? I'll be ruined."

"I'll take care of everything. I'll just tell them it was my idea so the

press won't bother me with anymore rumors with other women."

"I guess, that'll work. It makes sense and it is practical."

"Good, that's settled then. Is there anything else?"

"No. I guess this is goodbye."

"Yes. Goodbye." Gerald hung the phone down and lifted Ria off his

lap. They went to the fireplace and continued the story telling.

Sarah was in her office just nearby and read few papers. Afterwards,

the cook served dinner and the three of them had a lively dinner.

After reading Ria stories, Gerald and Sarah retired in their room.

Gerald sat on the couch just near Sarah's bed. Sarah changed her

clothes and joined Gerald. Gerald rested his head on the back of the

couch. Sarah sat beside him and urged him to turn his back on her.

Gently, Sarah massaged Gerald's taunt muscles. She nudged both

hands on his shoulder. Gerald relaxed. It was the most soothing

feeling. He slightly turned around and kissed her palm. After awhile,

Sarah hugged him, embracing him from the back. Gerald faced her

and hugged her as well.

"You are important to me Sarah..." he said. Sarah stiffened and

cried. Gerald caressed her jaw line and kissed her passionately.

"I know..."With that Sarah slid her hands behind Gerald's neck and

clutch to him softly. They went to bed and made love all over again.

They retired for the night and prepared themselves for tomorrow's


Morning came. Sarah postponed her appointment today and

decided to accompany Gerald to the show. She was trembling with

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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