Chapter 1

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Nick smiled as they drove home from Miami International Airport, thinking back on the last few days. Amanda was now his fiancé...she was his. He didn't have to worry about losing her anymore. As they drove up to the house and parked, Amanda kissed Nick on the cheek, eager to tell their news to AJ and Aaron.

"Ah, its so good to be....what the hell?" Nick exclaimed as he opened the door to find the house a mess. Baby clothes littered the living room and in the middle of it all, AJ was on the couch fast asleep with the baby.
"Shhh...we don't want to wake the sleeping beast." Nick commented softly.

"That's not nice to say about Celine, baby." Amanda said, her hands on her hips.

"Celine? I meant AJ." Nick smiled as Amanda giggled, causing AJ to stir.

"'re home..." he whispered, shifting slightly in the leather couch cushions.

"What happened, AJ? Did a tornado hit?" Nick asked, laughing as he stepped carefully over the clothes.

"The demon child gave me a hard time." AJ said darkly as he handed the baby to Amanda. The baby seemed happy to see her again and giggled as Amanda kissed her face.

"Jay, stop exaggerating." Nick said as he laughed.

"Celine did you give Uncle AJ a hard time?" Amanda saked as the baby made noises and giggled.

"You're home!" a voice said from behind them. Nick turned around to see Brian holding a handful of groceries, a chihuahua at his feet and Aaron trailing behind.

"Hey Bri." Nick waved as he took Celine and kissed her as well. Brian walked in and shook his head at the mess, throwing a dirty look at AJ.

"When I left two hours ago this house was clean!" Brian exclaimed, kicking the door closed with his foot.

"I guess that means Brian's the wife?" Amanda said, causing Nick to erupt into a fit of laughter.

"Is there something you guys want to tell us?" he said between giggles.

"Ew, gross!" Aaron said as he left the room with Brian's dog.

"How was your trip?" Brian asked, once they had all gone into the kitchen. Amanda simply grinned and waved her hand in Brian's face, showing him the diamond ring. AJ's brown eyes went wide as he grabbed Amanda's wrist, pulling her hand close to his face.

"That is a nice ass ring, dude." AJ said. The smile slid off his face once he heard a familiar rustling noise behind him.

"Not now, Aaron!" AJ protested.

"Pay up." Aaron stated, grinning.

"See what you did, Nick? That kid is a menace." AJ said angrily as he stuffed a dollar bill into the swear jar.

"What did my brother do now?" Nick asked.

"He has been following me around shaking that thing in my face."

"Whatever do you mean, AJ?" Aaron said, looking innocently at him and smiling while AJ scowled.

"You Carters are nothing but trouble." he pointed out as Amanda and Brian laughed.

A few days later, there was an engagement party held on the beach behind Nick's house. Brian had planned the whole thing, inviting all of the engaged couple's friends.

"So what kind of wedding are you guys gonna have?" AJ asked as the adults shared drinks, while Aaron played with Brian's dog Tyke.

"What did you have in mind, baby?" Nick asked, putting his arm around Amanda and grinning.

"I want a big wedding. When Lance and I got married we couldn't afford it....I want to go all out this time." Amanda replied.

"I would like to have a traditional wedding, in a church." Nick said, nodding.

"Ya know, if you guys are doing something like that, I know someone who can cousin is a wedding planner." Brian offered, drinking from his champagne. Amanda and Nick both agreed that this was a wonderful idea, so Brian said he would have his cousin stop by to meet them.

"Nick?" Aaron asked suddenly, appearing next to them.

"What's up?"

"Can I get a dog?" Aaron replied. Nick was surprised, but not that surprised. He had seen Aaron play with Brian's dog and it made him smile, but at the same time it reminded him that he had never had a pet himself. Nick loved dogs, but was never allowed animals as a child. He wanted Aaron to have the things he couldn't....but at the same time he felt that he owed himself as well.

"Baby, can we get a dog?" Nick asked, turning to look at her. Amanda had to laugh, the two brothers were a sight, both wearing a pout on their faces.

"Its your house, Nick." she said as their friends laughed heartily.

"Dude you are so whipped." AJ commented.

"No, I just thought that since we will be married soon, we should make descisions together." Nick stated, smiling.

"Aww." Amanda replied before kissing him. AJ promptly made gagging noises and imitated a whip cracking.

"I am NOT." Nick protested. Brian laughed but then stopped abruptly, his eyes narrowed.

"What?" Nick said as he was nudged in the chest by Brian, who pointed towards the deck.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Nick exclaimed. AJ rolled up his sleeves ready to fight but Brian pulled him back by his shirt.

"Oh god." Amanda whispered when she noticed the fearful expression on her fiancé's face. She had not expected him to come here, and hoped he was not there to start trouble.

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