Chapter 35

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"Open the goddamn door!"

Brian had been sitting in his living room when he heard the banging, he had been kicking himself for kissing Amanda. What was he thinking? She would never be with him and he knew that.

"Brian, I know you're in there!" the voice shouted again. When he opened the door, AJ was standing there looking angry.

"What the hell?" Brian asked, looking confused. AJ grabbed him by his shirt and shoved him into the house.

"I should kick your ass right now." he snapped, slamming the door behind him. In his years on the police force, Brian knew how to deal with situations such as this...but he never expected any of it to happen to him...especially with a close friend.

"What are yo-"

"Don't give me that horseshit. After everything Nick has been kissed his fiance?" AJ shouted, pushing him forcefully.

"I didn't mean to..."

"You still fucking love her. You couldn't stand to see her and Nick together so you did it to break them up didn't you?"

"Hey...let me talk, goddamn it!" Brian yelled , his face turning red. AJ backed up a little into the door, sulking.

"Okay." he whispered.

"I didn't mean to kiss her. We were horsing around and it just happened. Yes I still love her, but she belongs with him. I would never break them up." Brian explained.

"Well, you did. Nick walked out on her." AJ pointed out. Brian's blood ran cold, his face turned white.

"He....he walked out? Is she okay?" he asked.

"No....when I left she was packing her bags. Nick saw the two of you sucking face and had an emotional breakdown. It was bad." AJ replied, feeling less angry than he had been.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know, but hopefully he didn't do anything stupid....especially after he almost killed himself a while ago." AJ told him. Of course this wasn't entirely true. He had beaten Nick up when he came back to the house...but Brian didn't need to know that.

"HE WHAT?" Brian exclaimed, unable to process the information.

"I had Amanda give him a fake rehearsal to show him he wasn't ready to perform and he took it really bad. He came home and I found him drinking. I left him to pick up Celine here, and when I came back he was unconscious on the floor." AJ said, realizing what he had done. He felt horrible for leaving Nick and knew it was not the smartest thing he could have done.

"AJ why would you do such a thing? You're worse than left him for dead."

"You kissed his fiancé!"

"Okay....this is dumb. We are both shitty friends. Neither of us deserve to be best man." Brian said, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.

"Yeah..." AJ agreed.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong." Brian replied after a minute or two of silence. He stood in front of AJ with his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing?" AJ asked, raising a pierced eyebrow.

"Hit me."

"What the hell have you been smoking?" AJ demanded, and Brian laughed.

"I deserve it. You get one free hit....any more and I will arrest you." he replied. AJ looked at him as if he had two heads and wound up his arm. Brian braced himself for impact as AJ's fist came at him....

"I love you so much..."

"Amanda?" AJ's voice came through the hallway a while later. He came into the room and saw Amanda on top of Nick, completely naked. Nick had a huge grin on his face as she straddled him, his eyes moving towards the door of the bedroom.

"Oh shit." AJ said, backing away.

"AJ can't you knock?!" Amanda scolded him. Nick was looking as if he had won the lottery. AJ ducked as a pillow came flying at his head. He left the room shaking his head in disbelief...when he had left Amanda was crying and now they were having sex?

"This house is driving me insane!" he muttered.

"Are we getting a divorce?" Aaron asked when AJ met him at the bottom of the stairs. They could hear Nick moaning with pleasure and AJ led Aaron outside.
"No, kiddo. Nobody is going anywhere. They just had a little fight."

"Why?" Aaron asked.

"I will tell ya when you're a bit older, okay?" AJ said, sighing. It had been a long day.

The next morning, Amanda was surprised to find Kevin on the porch to see her. He had some invitations and things for her to look at. Amanda liked Kevin quite a lot...he was good at his job and was dead set on making this wedding perfect.

"So....I think we should go with the lavender ones but I will ask Nick what he thinks later." Amanda said as she brought him another cup of coffee.

"Everything is okay with the two of you?" Kevin asked suddenly, sipping from it.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Amanda replied...acting as if nothing had happened.

"Because Brian came to my house apologizing for ruining the wedding." Kevin explained with a bemused expression. Amanda sighed and set down her mug.

"Look, Kevin...Brian kissed me and Nick saw. There was a fight and Nick walked out. It was a whole misunderstanding."

"So how did he get the bruise on his face?" Kevin asked.

"What bruise? I haven't seen him since yesterday." Amanda said.
"Is something going on with you and my cousin? Why would he kiss you?" Kevin asked, ignoring her comment. He sounded a bit annoyed over the whole situation, but was surprisingly calm.

"No, Kevin. Not for a few months now. He and I used to date....we broke up at the end of March. He told me he was in love with me but I didn't feel the same way." Amanda explained, remembering the night she told Brian she saw him as a brother and nothing more. She saw the love in his eyes again on the beach and it scared her.

"He still loves you. Have you talked to him about it? Brian has a hard time letting go." Kevin said.

"I don't want to hurt him. Brian is one of my best friends and I can't lose him." Amanda protested, remembering what she had told Nick the night before as they lay in bed.
"Just be honest. He will understand." Kevin said wisely before he left. Amanda sat in the kitchen for a while, thinking when the doorbell rang. When she answered it, Brian was standing there on the porch holding a paper bag.

"Can we talk?" he asked. Amanda stared back at his deep blue eyes, searching for the words to tell him how she felt. She just hoped everything would work out.

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