Chapter 23

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"AJ!!!!" Nick shouted from the bedroom upstairs. AJ lay stubbornly on the couch in the living room, trying to take a nap. Between the baby, Aaron, taking care of the Nick...he had his plate full and spilling over the sides. He had barely slept in almost a week and had bags under his eyes. He was becoming very irritable and did not feel like waiting on his friend today. BUZZ. Nick had found the buzzer that Amanda gave him.

"Shut up Nick." AJ mumbled, his face buried in the couch cushion. Celine was down for a nap, Amanda was working, and Aaron was at school. Why did Nick have to be awake? BUZZZZ. He had hit it longer than the first time so AJ decided to get up and walk upstairs where Nick was laying in the bed.

"Whatcha need, Nicky?" he asked as pleasantly as he could, smiling.

"I'm hungry." Nick stated, rubbing his stomach with his good hand. It was a simple request, so AJ went back downstairs to make him a sandwich. He brought it to him with a glass of milk and set it down in his lap on a tray. Nick grinned and took a large bite of it, chewing contentedly.

"Anything else?" AJ asked. Nick shook his head, his mouth full of peanut butter and jelly. AJ smiled and walked back down to the couch. He could have easily gone to his room, but soon as he thought about it Nick buzzed again.

"Yes, Nick?" AJ asked, breathing hard from taking the steps two at a time. Nick pouted and held up the sandwich.

"I don't like grape jelly. I like strawberry. And I don't like chunky peanut butter." he said innocently. AJ smiled and gritted his teeth, holding in his annoyance.

"Okay Nickers. I will get you another one. Hang tight." he said, going back out of the room. He made another sandwich and brought it back to Nick, who took it and promptly ate it, chugging the milk.

"Feel better?"

"Yep." Nick replied, sighing happily. AJ walked back downstairs and laid back down on the couch, closing his eyes....


"Fucking Christ." AJ hissed under his breath. He stomped upstairs and stood in the doorway, glaring at Nick, who waved at him from the bed.

"Hi." he said with a toothy smile.

"Hi." AJ said, wanting to strangle him.

"I'm cold." Nick replied. AJ growled but wiped his expression by running his hand across his face and smiling instead. AJ put two blankets over him and stopped in the doorway again.

"'" AJ asked slowly, his voice shaking with annoyance.

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Awesome." AJ said happily. He walked back downstairs and laid down for the fourth time. This time he was asleep for a good minute or two before....


"THAT'S IT!!!!" AJ shouted, throwing his hands in the air. He stormed up to Nick's room and slammed the door open.


"I'm hot. Could ya open the window?" Nick asked innocently. AJ growled and stormed over to the bed, snatching the buzzer out of Nick's hand.

"GIVE ME THAT!" he screamed as Nick's eyes watered. He stomped over to the window and tossed the buzzer outside.

"But AJ...." Nick started, but AJ was practically in his face.

"You think I'm having fun here waiting on you? You think this is a game?" AJ shouted.


"Ever since you came home I do almost everything around here. And for what? Nobody thanks me! I did not hear one fucking thank you out of your goddamn mouth. I have done everything you asked but it's never good enough, is it Nick?" AJ ranted. All Nick did was blink back tears and stare in shock, his face pale.

"You're not getting any better. You lay around and expect everybody to take care of you.....all you are being is a burden on us." AJ continued. Nick shook his head in protest, not speaking a word.

"Why don't you call Amanda to fix everything? She can take care of you because I'm done and I'm out of here!" AJ shouted before leaving the room. Nick took his cell phone in his good hand, his hands shaking as he reeled from AJ's words.

"Amanda?" he said in a small voice when she picked up.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" she asked, noticing the sadness in his voice.

"AJ yelled at me and he left. I'm so sorry...." Nick sobbed, feeling horrible. His chest hurt and everything started to bother him at once. Nobody was there to give him his pain medication.

"Okay, calm down baby....I'm coming home now." Amanda said kindly. She hung up with him as she pulled into the driveway and saw AJ standing outside. The buzzer was on the pavement next to her car and she picked it up.

"What's the meaning of this? I heard you screamed at Nick?" Amanda demanded, waving it in his face. He blew smoke into the air and stomped out his cigarette.

"Your fiancé is an asshole. He just lies there and expects us to wait on him." AJ snapped.

"Uh, AJ in case you haven't noticed, Nick is bedridden and can't do anything! I don't want you getting him worked up, that's not healthy for him right now." Amanda interrupted.

"He's just demanding stuff. I am not here to just play nanny and nurse that whiny bastard back to health. I'm not your maid or hired help. So if you think I am then you can fuck yourself. I have hardly slept all week, and this prick keeps pressing that goddamn buzzer like its a game. Well, I'm tired and not in the mood for him anymore. You deal with him." AJ shouted.

"I don't give a crap. AJ, that's your friend. I have to take care of the club, someone has to be here with him." Amanda said.

"Well, have fun. I'm out of here." AJ snapped, walking past her to his truck.

"AJ.....don't do this, come back!" Amanda called after him. AJ responded by flipping her off and peeling out down the road, leaving dust in his wake.

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