Chapter 43

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Kevin ran around like a neurotic chicken during the final fitting only days before the wedding. He had been stressed for the last few weeks, this was the biggest job of his entire career and he did not want to be responsible for ruining Nick Carter's wedding.

"Wow, Amanda! I love the dresses!" Skye exclaimed. Amanda was being fitted into her wedding gown...and she whirled around to see Skye wearing her bridesmaid's dress. was black...not the ocean blue she had ordered.

"KEVIN!!!" Amanda wailed, crossing her arms as he ran over. His eyes went wide when he saw the stood out against Skye's pink streaked blonde hair.

"That's definitely not ocean blue." he said sheepishly as his phone began to ring, Amanda cursing at him in the background. As it turned out, the men's tuxes and bridesmaid's dresses colors had gotten switched somehow. Amanda, who was normally calm was throwing a diva fit in the fitting room as Linda apologized to the shop owner.

"It's three days before my wedding, Kevin! FIX THIS!!!" Amanda demanded, her hands on her hips. Kevin stormed over to the shop owner, who seemed frightened beyond belief.

"You screwed this up and the wedding is Tuesday....I want to know how you're going to fix this and fix it NOW." he hissed, slamming his fist on the counter in anger. The bridal shop owner nodded profusely and began making calls. Over the next few days, final preparations were made and the wedding was finally upon them.

"Nick, quit're making ME nervous." Brian said with laugh. Nick was dressed in his suit and shoes and slacks. He paced the floor, beads of sweat on his face as he remembered his wedding with didn't help his feelings about this one. He had been confused about how he felt for her, but this time he was sure of what he was doing.

"I don't know if I can do this..." he whispered to himself, running a hand through his blonde hair.

"No way....Nick you're not backing out now. Amanda will have a fit." AJ said. All he could remember was Nick's long legs dangling out of a window using a shower curtain at his first wedding.

"I'm not...but I got a bad feeling again like last time, what if something happens to her? I can't go through that again, AJ. If I lost Amanda I'd die." Nick said in a worried tone.

"Nothing is gonna happen to her, you want me to go check on her for you?" AJ offered. Nick agreed to this and AJ left the room.

"Why are you so nervous?" Brian asked as Nick resumed pacing the floor. Lance sat across the room, his green eyes following him.

"I'm taking her to France for our honeymoon. I haven't been out of the country since Tracy passed away." Nick explained. He spotted a bottle of chamagne and eyed it longingly.

"Nick, you can't drink. Amanda will kill you if you were drunk at that altar." Brian scolded him.

"Maybe he could have calm his nerves." Lance said, pouring a glass and handing it to Nick, who gulped it down. Brian glared at Lance afterwards, his eyes narrowing.

"What is the big deal? One glass won't hurt him." Lance protested. Brian didn't like Nick's choice to make Lance his best man....he was Amanda's ex husband, Nick's childhood bully and caused so much pain in Nick's life. Nick's reasoning was that Lance had changed, the two of them were friends now but Brian felt he knew better.

"Guys we have been through this before. Can't we all get along for one day? This is important. I am sure Amanda is having champagne too." Nick said, walking between his friends.

"Knock, knock." AJ said as Linda answered the door.

"You clean up well," Amanda's mother said politely. AJ had taken his piercings out for the wedding and dyed his hair brown, its natural color. He had left his sunglasses at home as well.

"Thanks, how's Amanda doing?" AJ laughed. Amanda stood in front of a 3 way mirror, modeling as Skye fixed her veil and her mother fixed her dress. She looked beautiful, her brown hair down her back and the dress hugging her curves.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you, AJ. You look good too. Is Nick ready?" Amanda asked, fixing the tiara pinned in her hair. She looked like a princess and felt like one, everything was going perfectly. She sipped at a glass of champagne and AJ laughed.

"Nick's been ready for a while, he wants to marry you already." he joked.

"Okay, tell Kevin I'm ready too." Amanda said with a smile, taking a breath as she looked at herself in the roughly an hour she would be Mrs. Nickolas Gene Carter and she couldn't wait to walk down the aisle one last time.

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