Chapter 11

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"Brian, just tell me." Amanda begged, sitting down in the lobby of the hospital. Brian would not look into her eyes, as his own were tearing.

"TELL ME...." she demanded.

"Nick...he's been in a car accident." Brian whispered, his voice cracking. He could barely hold his own composure and Amanda was sure that if he cried in front of her she would lose it.

"Not the one that was by the club....please don't let it be that one." she begged. It was a horrible accident, there was blood and glass everywhere and both cars were completely totaled.

"I'm....I'm afraid it was." Brian croaked, letting the tears fall. He had seen Nick in the car, blood coming from a wound on his head....trapped.

"No..." Amanda whispered, her hands shaking....her chest feeling tight.

"I'm sorry....but I was there. They had to cut the car open to get Nick out....there was blood everywhere..." Brian sobbed. Amanda shook her head in protest, hoping she would wake up and it would be a nightmare, but it wasn't. The reality had hit her...Nick was hurt.

"I want to see him." she said firmly, still not shedding tears.

"It won't be pretty....he is up in ICU. They had to do surgery on him....he has two cracked ribs and it caused internal bleeding."

"I need to see him, Bri." Amanda interrupted. Brian nodded, wiping his face before leading her upstairs to Nick's room. He was closed off from the other patients for security, and someone was stationed outside of his room.

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Brian asked, sounding as if he wasn't ready to see Nick himself. Amanda nodded and they both went into the room. She gasped as they neared the bed...she barely recognized him. Nick's face was scratched, his forehead covered in bandages. His right arm was in a sling and his left leg was in a cast....a brace around his neck. He looked extremely pale, except for all the scrapes covering his body. Amanda opened her mouth to speak but a strangled noise came out and she began to sob uncontrollably.

"Shhhh, it will be okay...." Brian reassured her. Once she had calmed down, Amanda noticed he was not moving.

"Amanda, there is something else about Nick you should know." Brian started. Amanda closed her eyes, her chest beating rapidly...fearing the worst.

"Nick's in a coma."

"WHAT??" Amanda gasped, her eyes watering again.

"He's in a coma...he suffered a major concussion and they had him on anesthesia for the surgery...the combination of them caused him to slip into a coma. The doctors won't tell me anything, I don't know if or when he will wake up."
"Nick....oh god, Nick..." Amanda muttered as she went to the bed and held his hand, kissing it gently. It was cold and lifeless.

"The paramedics said he should have died in that accident. He was barely breathing when they pulled him out."

"He's fighting, Bri. He's fighting to come back to me. Nick's in there...I know he will wake up." Amanda said slowly.

"But....but what if he doesn't?" Brian asked, not wanting to know the answer.

"We need to find out if he has a living will.....what his wishes are." Amanda said thoughtfully. She placed a call to Nick's lawyer, Michelle. She had been with Nick since the start of his career.

"Michelle, who did he leaven charge of his medical descisions? He doesn't really have any family." Amanda said. She knew Nick had a father, but he had been absent since they met a few months ago.

"Nick has left you in charge of his medical descisions as well as making you the executor of his will." Michelle said, looking over his file. Amanda was shocked, and Brian simply stared at her.

"Me? He left me in charge of his life?" she gasped.

"He made the will out at 19 years of age. It states that Amanda is to be in charge of all medical descisions and if he should be declared brain remove him from life support." Michelle replied. Amanda looked at Nick, her mind racing. He had trusted her with his life at 19 years old, before they had even dated.

"Thank you, Michelle." Amanda said once the lawyer finished going over Nick's will.

"Wow, he trusted you with that at 19?" Brian muttered, watching Nick in the bed.

"He really did love me, Brian....even that young. Nick knows I would do what is best for him and respect his wishes." Amanda replied with a smile.

"That's love right there." Brian agreed. Amanda took Nick's hand and kissed it again, then moved some stray hair out of his face. He did not move but she just wanted him to feel her touch, maybe he would find his way back.

"He will wake up, I know it. All we have to do now is wait." Amanda said as she sat down again next to the bed, with only the sound of Nick's heart monitor to break the silence.

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