Chapter 39

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Linda and AJ were not getting along at all. Every chance she got she would make snide remarks about him being in the house. When Nick came home from spending time with John and Aaron, Amanda explained and Nick just shook his head at it all.

"Linda, why don't you like AJ? He's one of my best friends." Nick asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"He looks like a criminal. Look at all those tattoos." Linda replied, scowling. Nick was annoyed at her for passing judgment on AJ simply due to his wild appearance.

"AJ is harmless." Nick said. Linda continued to argue so Nick proceeded to remove the T shirt he was wearing to prove a point. Linda stared in surprise....Nick had tattoos on his back and shoulders.

"Are tattoos that bad, Linda? I have them too. If you think a person with tattoos is dangerous...well I guess I am a bad person." Nick snapped. Linda was speechless as Nick put his shirt on and walked out of the room. Linda turned to see Amanda standing in the doorway looking annoyed.

"Mom, watch him with the kids. Ask Aaron what he thinks about AJ. I can promise you he is a sweet guy." Amanda said, walking past her to the laundry room. Linda thought about what Nick and her daughter said. She watched AJ...watched him play with Celine, feed her and take care of her. Nick and Amanda took care of the baby as well, but AJ just seemed to be naturally good with children. He helped Aaron with his homework as well.

"Aaron? May I ask you a question?" Linda said as she sat next to him at the kitchen table. He was busily doing homework.


"How do you like AJ?"

"He's cool. I love him like a brother...but..." Aaron said, frowning and tapping his pencil on the table as if it were a drum set.

"But?" Linda asked.

"He makes me do my homework." Aaron replied. Linda laughed, shaking her head. By the end of the afternoon she had decided that maybe AJ wasn't such a bad guy after all.

"AJ?" Linda said when she saw him headed downstairs. AJ froze in place and looked at her like a deer in headlights.

"You're not gonna hit me again, are you?" he asked meekly, backing away from her towards the wall.

"No, I am not. I want to talk to you if that is all right." Linda said. AJ relaxed himself and sat down at the kitchen table. Linda chose the chair next to him and looked him in the eye, her face softened.

"I want to apologize for the way I treated you. It was wrong of me."


"I didn't realize you were so good to the kids and helped when Nick was help watch Aaron and still run a tattoo parlor. That takes a lot of work and I am impressed." Linda said calmly.

"I am sorry I cursed at you. It's just I am tired of people assuming I am a bad guy cause of how I look. Amanda didn't want me anywhere near Nick when I first met her." AJ explained, laughing at the memory of a 18 year old Amanda walking into the same kitchen....wearing nothing but Nick's white t-shirt.

"She didn't? How did you meet Nick?" Linda wondered.

"I met him when he was 16. I was 18 at the time and an apprentice at the tattoo place. I was leaving work and found him sleeping in the alley next to the building." AJ explaining, closing his eyes as he remembered. It had been chilly that night....raining. He had nearly tripped over the teenager laying on cardboard boxes, holding a trash bag over himself to stay dry. He didn't look like he belonged there, dressed in nice clothes.

"Whoa....I didn't see ya there kid."
"Don't hurt me....I don't have any money,"

"I'm not gonna mug you. What are you doing out here? It's cold."

"I don't have anywhere to go......"

"He was sleeping in the alley? Where were his parents?" Linda asked, feeling sorry for Nick. He seemed like such a strong person.

"He told me he was an orphan. I let him stay with me for two days at my apartment over the shop. He finally told me he had run away from his foster home." AJ told her, sighing. He had found out about Nick's mother, Jane a few months ago when she showed up to claim Aaron. Linda's face fell....she had known Nick might have been abused as a child but did not realize to what extent.

"How did he act when he was with you?" she asked, interested.

"He was just like a lost kid. I gave him that shark tattoo on his arm. I said he was a bit young to be getting ink and he said it was ok. I noticed a huge scar on his arm where I put the he was trying to hide it. If you notice, almost all the tattoos he has now are hiding scars....he has some on his back. From what, I don't know." AJ explained, rubbing the back of his head with his hand as he talked. Linda just nodded and listened....she felt so badly for Nick and his childhood...his lack of parents.

"Do you know anything about his dad?"

"I-" AJ started, but Aaron was calling him from the other room. He excused himself and left....Linda sat there thinking as Nick came in the back door.

"Hello, Nick."

"Hi, Mom. I was just messing around in the studio. How's your day going?" Nick asked, smiling brightly at her. He often considered Amanda's mother his real mom, as his own wasn't fit for the role.

"I'm good. Working hard?" Linda asked.

"Yeah. Hey....I got a gig on Friday at Amanda's's my first performance since the accident. You and Dad should come." Nick offered. Linda said yes, and then he went into the living room to find Amanda.

"Hi, baby." he said, leaning over the couch and putting his arms around her shoulders before kissing her gently.

"Hey, you." she said, touching his face and returning it.

"I invited your mom and dad to the show friday, is that okay?" Nick asked.

"Of course. I can't wait to show Mom all the work I have done." Amanda said excitedly.

"My dad's coming too." Nick replied, kissing her again. At the mention of Bob she pulled away.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, baby? My mom hasn't met him yet." she said. Amanda suddenly had the image of Nick's father flying across her nightclub and wasn't looking forward to it. She knew her mother was protective of Nick.

"It will be good for them to meet. You will see." Nick said, hugging her. As she felt his arms around her, Amanda hoped he was right.

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