Chapter 36

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"I brought you your favorite." Brian said, holding up a bag with ice cream inside. Amanda loved mint chocolate chip and he knew this would help smooth things over a little bit at least.

"Let's sit outside." Amanda said, knowing that Nick may be home at any moment. She didn't want Nick to see them alone together, especially after the kiss.

"It's hot out here. Wouldn't you rather sit in the air conditioning?" Brian asked, watching her. They sat on the porch swing and ate the ice cream, not speaking for a few moments.

"Look....about yesterday...I am so sorry." Brian started, looking into her brown eyes. He felt horrible for kissing her...he knew that she would never be his.

"Do you still love me, Brian?" Amanda asked in barely a whisper. He didn't look at her, he stared at the porch deck intent on not looking at her.

"Yes." he said finally. Amanda felt her chest tighten as she remembered the night she had dumped he had looked when she said she was not in love with him.

"I will always care for you, Amanda. That will never change." Brian told her, taking her hand in his.

"I can't keep hurting you like this. I don't want to lose're my best friend." Amanda replied, her eyes watering.

"We can still be friends. i should have never kissed you....then Nick would still be here." Brian said.

"What are you talking about? Nick didn't go anywhere."

"AJ said....he said that Nick walked out on you!" Brian exclaimed in confusion. He rubbed at his bruised jaw and felt stupid.

"Nick did leave, but he came back. It was a misunderstanding. We are very much still together. He has been having a lot of issues lately." Amanda explained.

"So he didn't try to kill himself?" Brian asked.

"Not exactly. He was drinking and had a headache so he took pills...he overdosed, but I found him in time. Nick has been going through a lot of depression and anxiety lately." she said, looking down at her ice cream and sighing. She couldn't shake the image of Nick laying on the floor when she had found him and it scared her. Nick was going down a dark path and she was happy that he decided to fix things now.

"I am sure I didn't help him very much by kissing you." Brian pointed out.

"Not really, no. It triggered an emotional breakdown and he almost left me. He thought I was replacing him with you. Brian, I care a lot for you....I want to stay friends, but this is making things very difficult." Amanda told him. Deep down, he knew she was right. Brian did love Amanda but he knew how much Nick had gone through to be with her....he knew how much they loved each other.

"This won't complicate our friendship, I promise. I could never come between you and Nick. He needs need each other." Brian replied wisely.

"I need him too. Without him I feel like part of me is missing."

"He probably hates me." Brian said, his eyes watering. He hated to think how Nick reacted to the kiss....he was sure it was not a pretty sight.

"I don't hate you, Brian." Brian looked up to see Nick standing there with his hands in his pockets, staring at them. Brian squeaked and quickly moved away from Amanda, dropping his ice cream.

"Hi honey." Amanda said as Nick leaned in and he kissed her.

"It's hot as balls outside, why are you two out here?" Nick asked, flashing her a smile.

"You weren't home sweetie. You seem to be in a good mood today." Amanda giggled. Nick did feel better after his therapy session and now that he had talked things out with his therapist things seemed normal again.

"Yeah, I am actually." Nick said. Amanda noticed how quiet Brian had gotten.

"I think you two need to talk," she said as she headed into the house. The two of them stood in silence for a few moments before Brian finally spoke up.

"Nick, I am so sorry about yesterday...."

"'s okay, I understand. I have been there before. Remember prom?" Nick said. Brian smiled at his nickname, he had not heard it in a long time.

"Yeah, I do....but how is that similar to kissing your fiancé?" Brian asked.

"Amanda was with Lance then. I know what it is like to get lost in the moment with someone. I am not mad at you....I don't blame you for it at all." Nick explained as he sat down.

"You're okay with it? After everything you've been through? AJ said you were pissed." Brian asked, remembering how AJ had told him about Nick's overdose and how he had broken him and Amanda up.

"Brian, I was going through depression. I am seeing a therapist now and everything will be okay. I don't want to lose you as a friend over this.....I will pretend it never happened." Nick said, patting him on the back.

"I am sorry Nick. Friends?"

"Friends. Now come into my studio, I can use your help." Nick said with a smile. He and Brian walked around the corner, laughing...Brian knew things would be okay.

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