Chapter 33

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Nick sped down the road....he didn't care where ended up. Suddenly he decided to stop halfway up the street from his house.

"What am I doing?" he asked out loud. He felt horrible for walking out of the house. Now that he was a bit calmer, Nick thought about it and turned the car around, heading towards the house. His cell phone beeped and it was a text from Aaron telling him to come home. Nick didn't answer it because he was already on the way there.
"I'm coming...." he muttered, punching the gas.

"Amanda, I don't think he would actually LEAVE. Maybe he needed to calm down a bit."

"AJ, I have to get out of here." Amanda said tearfully, throwing random clothes into a suitcase on the bed.

"Make sure Celine is taken care of."

"You're not taking her?"

"I don't have time to get her things together, Jay. I have to leave before and if Nick comes back." Amanda said as she took off the ring. She stopped to look at it, the diamonds glittering on the silver band...143 engraved on the inside with their names. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she threw it on the bed. Amanda closed the suitcase and wiped her eyes as AJ walked out of the room.

"Aaron!" he exclaimed as he ran into the boy down the hall from the bedroom.

"What's going on?" Aaron asked curiously.

"Stall Amanda. Don't let her leave the house..." AJ instructed. Aaron nodded and headed into the nursery where Amanda was standing over the baby's crib.

"Stay good for daddy, Celine...mommy loves you..."


"Goodbye," Amanda said softly, crying as she kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Amanda?" Aaron said, standing in the doorway. She turned to look at him, her eyes watering.

"Don't leave...please.." the boy whispered, pouting. Amanda felt so bad for walking out on everyone she cared about...but she knew she had to go.

"I have to, kiddo."

"But...but I will miss you." he whimpered. He threw his arms around her and sobbed.

"Amanda?" Nick said as he walked in the front door of the house.

"You son of a bitch!"

AJ came running at him, his face angrier than Nick had ever seen him.

"What the hell?" he asked as AJ tackled him to the floor and hit him in the face twice. Nick smelled blood on his face as AJ picked him up by his throat and slammed him into the wall, knocking over a picture frame. It smashed as it hit the floor...and Nick's eyes were wide, his body shook from the impact.

"Let" Nick gasped, trying to pry AJ's hands off of his neck.

"You hurt I'm gonna hurt you!" AJ shouted...Nick managed to knee him in his stomach and AJ dropped him, doubling over in pain as he coughed. Nick dashed for the stairway but fell face first into the third step as AJ held his ankle and pulled him back.

"LET GO!" Nick screamed, coughing on the blood running down his face from his nose. He managed to kick AJ and run for the stairs again where he met Amanda.

Amanda looked at Nick...his face and hand were bloody, his eye black and blue...his mouth bruised and swollen. He didn't say anything for a few moments. Aaron clung to her leg, begging her not to leave. She finally shook him off and he ran downstairs, leaving her alone with Nick.


"I don't want to speak to you."

"Baby, listen...I-" Nick started. She glared at him with an icy stare.

"How can you call me that when you don't want me anymore? YOU LEFT ME. You're just like Lance!" Amanda snapped, picking up her suitcases.

"Let me explain..."

"There is nothing to explain. left..." she said tearfully.

"I came back..."

"Don't give me that bullshit, Nick. You said we were done."

"No. You're not listeni-"

"Out of my way." Amanda said, but Nick stood in front of her, blocking her path.

"NO! You're not leaving. Let's talk this out." he begged. Amanda was crying and Nick hated to see her upset, especially when he had caused it.

"We are done talking....I can't take this anymore. All the fighting and the's too much for me." she sobbed.

"Baby we can get through it...I don't want to lose you."

"Then why did you walk out? You said you were done. You left me..."

"Yes I did do that, but I was coming back. I needed to cool off...I don't want to fight with you, Amanda. I wanted to walk away before I really screwed things up with you. That's what I meant by done...I was done with the conversation, not with you, baby." Nick explained, blood running down his chin.

"Really?" Amanda sniffed, wiping her eyes.

"Really baby. I would never leave you. I have been through too damn much to stay with you, if I didn't want you....I wouldn't have given you the ring." Nick said, smiling at her. Amanda looked at Nick....her eyes searching...wondering if she should trust his word or not. She walked to the bedroom and he followed her, waiting for her to say something. She sat down on the bed and held the engagement ring in her hands...the one he had given to her a few months ago.

"When you gave me this you were a different person. What happened to him? He's the one I fell in love with...." Amanda whispered as she held it up for him to see.

"I know....the last few weeks have been rough but we need each other...I need crazy as it complete me. Without you by my side I am not whole. I love you more than anything in the world...I can't let you go." Nick said, taking her hand in his.

"I love you too." she said as she passed the ring into his hand. Nick took it and smiled...then he got on his knee.

"Marry me again?" he asked, cracking a grin.

"Yes...." Amanda said, laughing and crying at the same time. Nick leaned in to kiss her but she backed away. When he looked puzzled, Amanda laughed.

"Your face is bleeding sweetheart." she told him. The two of them laughed and went to the bathroom so he could clean up...hand in hand...back together again.

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