Chapter 44

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Amanda took a deep breath, standing by the large wooden doors of the church. She nervously flattened wrinkles on her wedding gown and adjusted her veil again....then looked back up. Nick was on the other side of the doors...she knew he would be wearing the dark suit he had chosen and would have his hair slicked back. She knew Nick was just as nervous as she was, it was both their second marriage (Nick didn't count Katie) and they both promised one another that they would never marry again if god didn't work out. Amanda stood in the hallway and smiled, remembering when she and Nick were younger....the night of prom. They had taken each other that night, Amanda had chosen him to be her first.

"Are you all right, Nick?" she whispered, kissing his shoulder as he lay next to him...his body trembling slightly.

"Yes...are you?" he replied shakily. He ran his hand through his hair, beads of sweat on his face.

"I'm glad I chose you, Nick." Amanda said. She rested her head on his shoulder and it seemed to calm him. His chin nuzzled into her soft brown hair and he smiled.
"Amanda....what's going to happen now?" he asked suddenly. Amanda lay next to him, thinking. She was in a relationship already but wasn't sure if Nick was ready for a girlfriend.

"We will see."

Amanda knew now she had broken his heart after that night, she had seen his expression when Lance kissed her. AJ had told her years later it was prom night that Nick realized he was in love with her and he swore they'd end up together despite how she always chose Lance over him. Amanda always regretted marrying Lance first but felt that this time she and Nick were doing it right.

"Ready, sweetheart?" her father, John, said as he appeared next to her. Amanda smiled and took another breath, the music beginning to play from behind the wooden doors.

"Yes, daddy." she replied, taking his arm. She was glad her father supported the marriage to Nick as he had not liked Lance at all. The doors opened and she saw Nick at the end of the aisle, he was trying to hide it...but he was smiling.

Nick was nervous as he stood on the altar, the wedding guests looking up at him. He saw his father and his friends in front along with the other guests. His knees felt weak but it was purely from nerves.

"You'll be fine..."

Nick wondered who was speaking to him...he felt a cold breeze on his neck and heard her voice again.

"You belong with her. Don't be afraid..."

Here Comes The Bride began to play and the doors of the church opened, he saw Amanda and drew breath. She had on a satin wedding gown, her long brown hair pinned up and curled down her back. He thought she looked stunning, a bouquet of roses in her hand as her father walked down the aisle. Nick smiled as she came up the stairs and stood next to him, she grinned back....tears in her brown eyes.

"Hey..." he mouthed, his eyes watering as well. He couldn't believe it was finally happening....he was about to marry the girl he had fallen in love with at the age of 18....

"We are gathered here today to wed Nick and Amanda in holy matrimony." the priest stated. It was the same one that had married him to Tracy two years previously.

"If anyone should object to this union....speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I OBJECT!!!!!" a voice shouted. Nick's eyes went wide and he spun around to the speaker in shock....


Nick's face fell when he saw Katie running towards them....she wore a red dress and heels, her blonde hair a mess.

"Oh god." he whispered as she threw herself at him, pretending to cry.

"Nicky, please don't do this to me...I am still in love with you." she sobbed into his pants. Nick looked at Amanda, who was ready to pounce on her.

"I never loved you." Nick sneered, shoving her off of him with his knee. She fell back, still pretending to cry dramatically. Several guests were laughing at the show she put on.

"Get her out of here!" Kevin shouted into his ear piece, and Katie was escorted out of the church and promptly arrested for breaking a restraining order Nick had placed on her a few months ago.

"Does anyone ELSE object?" the priest asked as Nick smirked.

"I'd like to see them try." he quipped, and some people laughed.

"Please continue." Amanda smiled gently.

"Very well, then. Do you, Amanda take Nick to be your lawfully wedded husband....for better or worse, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"

Amanda looked into Nick's blue eyes and smiled....she was ready.

"I do."

"Do you, Nick...take Amanda to be your lawfully wedded wife....for better or worse, in sickness and in health until death do you part?" the priest asked. Everyone watched Nick and waited for a reply....

"I do." he said with a smile. He heard AJ and Brian sigh with relief and chuckled.

"By the power vested in me from the city of Oceanview, Florida.....I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss-"

The last words of the priest never left his mouth, Nick had already grabbed Amanda, his lips pressed against hers passionately. She could feel his tongue wriggle in her mouth, this was no church kiss. As they left the church, their friends waved and wished them well....Nick and Amanda stepped into the waiting limousine and drove off to their reception.

"Hello, Mrs. Carter." Nick grinned. He couldn't help smiling, Amanda was finally his after all he went through....after waiting patiently she was finally his. He kissed her again and she giggled.

"I love how you say that." she whispered.

"Mrs. have just married Nickolas Gene Carter....what are your thoughts?" Nick said, holding out his hand like a microphone. Amanda grinned, there was only one thing she could think of.

"It's about damn time." she said, kissing him as they laughed. Nick couldn't be happier, his dreams had finally come true, but little did he and Amanda know that it was only the beginning for them....

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