Chapter 19

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Amanda was totally buried in paperwork in the office when Aaron poked his head in the doorway.

"Amanda?" he asked, startling her. She had fallen asleep at the computer, her hand on the mouse and her face on a stack of papers.

"What?" she said, practically jumping out of her seat, a paper stuck to the side of her face. She pulled it off and wiped at her cheek then fixed her hair a little so that it didn't resemble a rat's nest.

"Someone's at the door for you." Aaron told her as he stood there giggling. Amanda was floored when she saw JC Chasez in her living room, smiling at her...his blue eyes twinkling. She had always had a crush on JC as a teenager...he was one of Nick's closest celebrity friends.

"JC?" Amanda gasped, when he walked over to greet her. He wrapped his long arms around her and pulled her into a hug. She didn't want him to let go....he felt like Nick...and it made her miss when he held her.

"How are you, Amanda? I just happened to be in town. I came by to see Nick." JC said, smiling. He had a perfect smile...not a tooth out of place...he was gorgeous. Amanda felt self conscious all of a sudden, her hair was a mess and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

"Things could be better, honestly. Nick is sleeping right now..." Amanda said, fixing her ponytail that had come undone.

"Oh, that's too bad. How are you?" JC asked, sitting down at the kitchen table. She offered him a drink but he declined.

"I have seen better days, JC. Between the club and Nick....the's all so hard to manage. Thank god my friends are helping me with the baby. I have so much on my plate now that Nick is home." Amanda replied with a sigh.

"I know this must be so hard on you, with him bedridden and all. How are you managing everything?" JC asked. Amanda was trying to keep herself calm...she wanted so badly to ask him for help with the club...but she didn't want to sound desperate.

"Sometimes I don't know...but we are all helping each other take care of Nick. He seems to be doing great now that he's home." Amanda told him, forcing a smile.

"I'm happy to hear it. How's the club?" JC said. She was afraid he would ask about it eventually...he knew the whole story of how Nick gave it to her as a birthday present.

"Not so good...I'm losing business with Nick unable to perform sales are down and attendance is in the toilet. If it keeps up...two weeks."

"That's too bad. You need a performer....don't you?"

"Yes, if you know anybody who can help, it would be great." Amanda said. She saw a smile appear on his face.

"I do know someone who could help." he said wryly, chuckling.

"Really? That's great!"


"Oh....JC...I couldn't....aren't you touring? Nick told me you were booked for the next two months." Amanda said, trying to keep her composure. She wanted to squeal with joy at the news. JC would be perfect at the club and she was a huge fan of his. She wouldn't mind watching him every night.

"I can change all of that. Just let me know when I start and what time rehearsals are." he laughed. Amanda stood up and hugged him, not wanting to let go.

"You are amazing, JC. Thank you so much, this means so much to me." she said happily.

"Look, its nothing. Nick is my good friend and so are you. I don't mind helping you guys." he laughed. After JC left, Amanda cleaned the papers off the table and felt like a huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders. She didn't really believe it was all happening...the club was going to be okay and Nick was healing more every day. Things seemed like they were finally getting back on track.

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