Chapter 25

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It had been about a month since Nick's accident and he was finally rid of the arm cast. His ribs and arm had healed and now only his leg was still broken. Nick wasn't in as much pain anymore, but he was still bedridden and needed help. AJ had taken Nick to get his arm cast off and then put Nick back in bed to rest after their long morning at the doctor's office. He was awoken by the sudden urge to use the bathroom.

"AJ!!!!" he shouted....but nobody answered and the pressure on his bladder was hurting him. He looked next to the bed and saw the crutches that the doctor had given him to use now that he had use of his arms.

"Fuck." he mumbled as he maneuvered himself into a sitting position on the edge of his bed. He was afraid to get up, but he knew at this point he had to.

"Nick? Did you call me...I was..." AJ said, walking into the bedroom. He stopped in the doorway and looked around Nick's room frantically. The bed was empty, and Nick was nowhere in sight.

"Shit....shit...god damn it Amanda pick up the phone." he mumbled as he paced the room.

"AJ, I told you not to bother me in the middle of rehearsal." Amanda snapped after a while.

"Nick's gone." AJ said, still panicking.

"What? What do you mean he's gone? He can't walk!"

"I know that....but I came into the room and his bed was empty."

"He can't go very far, AJ." Amanda said with exasperation. AJ lifted the sheets, threw them back on the bed and sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration until he heard the toilet flushing.

"Nick?" AJ asked, his head shooting up in surprise.

"Jay? Is that you?" a timid voice came from behind the closed door.

"Oh thank god." AJ breathed in relief, his hand on his heart.

"AJ...what's going on?" Amanda asked, still worried.

"I found him. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom on his own." he explained with relief.

"He walked?"

"Nick? Are you okay in there?" AJ asked, moving closer to the door. It finally opened and Nick shuffled out holding crutches and looking nervous, shakily moving towards the bed. AJ said goodbye to Amanda and watched Nick move towards the bed.

"Sorry about that, AJ. I had to go to the bathroom." Nick said softly.

"No, it's all right. Feel like getting out of the room for a while?" AJ offered, smiling as Nick sat down. Nick grinned back, he had been stuck in the bedroom almost a month.

"Do you even need to ask me?" he laughed. When Amanda came home, Nick was sitting in the living room on the couch, the crutches propped up against the chair next to him.

"Hi, sweetheart." Amanda said as she leaned down to kiss him. Nick returned it, and she felt her heart quicken as his lips touched hers. She had been longing for his touch, wanting to be with him.

"I missed you today." Nick replied softly. Amanda grinned at him, looking into his eyes and wondering if she could have him even now....even with a broken leg.

"Me too. I bet it feels good to be out and about, doesn't it?" she said. Nick sat up, knowing she was so right about how he was feeling. Being mobile was liberating....Nick was proud of himself for making it this far on his own...but there was something deep down that scared him. Doubt clogged his thoughts, doubt that he couldn't come back the same as he was, that the accident would hold him back. He stood up shakily and took the crutches in his arms, as Amanda smiled at him.

"I'm so proud of you, baby. You are healing very fast, you will be back to normal in no time." she said as they kissed again. Amanda wanted to feel his body against hers again, for things to be like they were.

"Thanks. There's not much I can do with a broken leg...but I want you so bad right now." Nick whispered into her ear.

"Take me..." Amanda smiled. Before they knew it, they were in bed together. As the passion built between them, Amanda lay on top of Nick and couldn't help but wonder if their happiness wasn't meant to last.

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