Chapter 4

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Amanda was furious with Nick for the way he was acting around Kevin so she avoided him the rest of the afternoon until they both went to bed that night together. He was being affectionate, his soft lips moving down her neck and upon her shoulder. Annoyed, she moved away from him and turned onto her back. Nick frowned slightly before his hand crept slowly up her back, trying to undress her. When she moved again, Nick knew she was not happy with him.

"Baby, what's wrong? Are you mad at me?" he asked softly, his voice full of hurt.

"You were totally out of line with the wedding planner today. He would have been perfect." Amanda replied, sitting up in bed and turning on the lamp next to her.

"Would have been? What do you mean?" Nick asked. He had liked Kevin....he thought he was a nice guy.

"Because you treated him so poorly he probably thinks we are a bunch of jerks and won't want to help us now." Amanda said, crossing her arms sourly. Nick moved closer to her and sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Baby, I didn't mean to act like that....I thought I recognized him. I was trying to think of where I know him from...but its not important. I will talk to him for you, ok? I understand how much this means to you and I will apologize. I honestly didn't mean anything by what I was uncalled for and I'm sorry." he explained softly, his lips curved into a smile. Amanda smiled and they kissed before falling asleep. The next morning, Nick got up before her and let her sleep in. Thinking quickly, he managed to get Kevin's phone number from Brian and invited him over to the house for coffee. Kevin was happy to accept the offer and the two men sat at the kitchen table, not speaking for a few moments.

"I thought I recognized you. You're Brian's friend.....the one he brought to the farm at Christmas that year." Kevin said as he sipped at his cup. Nick looked away from him. He didn't remember much of that Christmas. It was his first time away from his real had been hard on him.

"Yes....that was me." Nick replied stiffly.

"Nick, I am sorry if I hurt your family didn't mean to treat you like that." Kevin continued.

"I should be apologizing to you. I shut you out when all you were doing was being nice to me. I am sorry I was such a brat....I was going through a hard time in my life." Nick told him as he stirred his coffee again.

"It's all right, Nick. Brian explained to me after the whole thing happened....I was out of line. I hope we can put this behind us, I would really like to help with your wedding." Kevin replied with a kind smile. He saw Nick was not that awkward teenager anymore, he had really grown up into a responsible man.

"Well, my wife has her heart set on you being our wedding planner. You're hired." Nick said, shaking Kevin's hand as Amanda walked in the room with a smile on her face.

"Baby, Kevin is gonna help us with the wedding, I set everything right with him." Nick said.

"Does he know what kind of project we had in mind?" Amanda asked as she took a chair next to Nick.

"We are looking to be very traditional, lots of guests....and money is no object." Nick explained. Kevin grinned as he heard their ideas....this was the beginning of the biggest job of his career and he was more than happy to make their special day a reality. He just hoped their relationship would last that long.

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