Chapter 10

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"Where could he be?" Amanda asked, pacing the main floor of the nightclub and checking her watch. The band was starting to get impatient as well waiting for their singer to arrive, who was now almost an hour late.

"I think your fiancé needs to define what a few minutes is," Skye teased, flipping her magenta streaked hair out of her eyes. She and Nick had a love hate relationship....she often teased him, which was her favorite activity.

"Skye, he has never been this late before. I'm getting worried." Amanda said softly, calling Nick's phone. It went straight to voicemail, and even that was unusual. Nick always kept his phone on because he was always on the move, and in case of a family emergency at home.

"I'm sure Carter is fine, you're just being paranoid." Skye replied, sitting behind the drumkit and twirling the drumsticks. Amanda called Nick's phone once more and groaned when he did not answer. He was not answering any text messages either....something was definitely wrong, she could sense it.

"No, Skye. He always answers his phone." she said, her eyes watering in frustration. She looked at the door, half hoping that he was going to walk in just then. Amanda wasn't even mad anymore...all she wanted was to know if her fiancé was safe. All of a sudden her phone rang. Amanda answered it but it was just AJ.

"There is a bad car accident up the road from the club...traffic is all backed up."

"Thanks for telling me, Jay...but I have more important things to worry about at the moment. Have you heard from Nick at all?" Amanda asked...her voice breaking again. Nick was going on two hours late now.

"He should be at rehearsal....are you ok?" AJ asked, noticing the tone in her voice.

"Nick hasn't shown up yet and he won't answer his phone...I'm really worried that something bad happened to him."

"Amanda, I'm sure he is fine. I'm on my way home now anyway. If he is there I will call you." AJ replied before hanging up. Amanda felt like punching a wall....she was so frustrated with everything. She was about to dial the phone again when AJ called again.

"What's up, Jay?" she asked, feeling excited and hoping for some news.

"The hospital have to go down there." Amanda's heart sank...she was hoping it wasn't Nick but pushed that thought out of her mind to keep herself together.

"Thanks, AJ. Just keep me updated." she said in a hollow voice.

"I don't think he is coming, sweetie." Skye said, appearing next to her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Rehearsal is canceled. I will have him call you when we find him." Amanda said. She walked to her car, but she was so stressed that her hands were shaking. Not knowing what had happened was killing her...she becamed so overwhelmed that once she closed the car door, Amanda leaned against the steering wheel and simply cried. After a while, she dried her eyes and headed home. Just down the street from the nightclub, there was a car accident....both cars were totaled and it was being cleaned up. She received another call that Aaron was still at the school and needed to be picked up. After calling AJ again, Amanda drove to the hospital. She found Brian standing in the lobby waiting for her.
"Amanda....thank god you're here." he said, his voice breaking as well. He looked incredibly distraught, his face pale.

"What's going on? The hospital wouldn't tell me." she said as they embraced.

" might want to sit down." Brian said softly, leading her to an empty chair.

"Tell me what's going on!" Amanda demanded, about to cry again. She felt her stomach churn...she wasn't ready for this news, and by the look on Brian's face, he wasn't ready to tell her.

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