Chapter 26

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"Baby sit still. We are almost there. Stop fidgeting." Amanda scolded Nick as she drove him to the doctor's office.

"I can't help it....I can't wait to get this damn thing off my leg."

"I know, honey." she said, smiling at him. It had been just about two weeks ago when Nick got out of bed on his own. He was ready to get the cast off of his leg. The final remnant of the accident that nearly killed Nick was about to be removed, and he couldn't be happier. Amanda got out of the car first and handed him his crutches. Nick limped slowly into the building and they got into the elevator.

" know what would be fun right now?" Nick said slyly as the door closed. Amanda pressed the button for the fourth floor and smiled.

"What's that?" she asked.

"This." Nick replied, not giving her a chance to speak as he pressed his lips against hers and gave her the biggest kiss he could.

"Baby, not here..." Amanda whispered, but she returned it. Her hormones were going didn't take much to get her going.

"Awe, you're no fun." Nick pouted when the elevator stopped and the door opened.

"Who said I wasn't? You have a bum leg." Amanda reminded him, stepping out. Nick waited for a moment, watching her hips swaying as she walked. He loved to watch Amanda...she was beautiful to him...he wanted her so badly. He sighed and limped to the doctors office at the end of the hall.

"You have healed very nicely, Mr. Carter. The bones are strong." Dr. Kane said with a smile.

"He has had lots of bed rest." Amanda replied. Nick just let the two of them talk, he wasn't really interested. Nick hated laying about the house more than anything, he felt lazy. The doctor removed his cast and had him stand.

"You can do it, Nicky..." Amanda said kindly. Nick looked like a newborn calf as he shakily stood up...his legs feeling wobbly. Nick grabbed onto the chair to prevent himself from falling. He gingerly took a few steps across the room, limping as he did so. Amanda was beaming at him...she felt so proud to see him walking once more. On the way home, Nick was so happy he kept smiling as they drove towards the house.
"I'm proud of you, Nick. You came a long way..."

"Thank you for being here for me, baby."

"I'm always here for you, remember that. I love you." Amanda said. They pulled into the driveway and Nick leaned over to kiss her.

"I love you too...I can't wait until you're my wife." he said before getting out of the car. He limped slowly into the house and saw Celine playing on the rug while AJ supervised from the couch.

" got it off!" AJ said. Nick came over and sat down then rubbed his leg slowly. It was a little tender but he felt a lot lighter without the cast weighing his leg down.

"Yeah, it feels weird."

"So what are you gonna do now that you can move both legs?" AJ asked. Nick smiled. There were two things he wanted to do. Since Amanda was not home, Nick picked up the baby and tickled her. Celine giggled and laughed, smiling at her father.

"I missed being with my family, Jay. I missed being the daddy." he said wistfully. After a while of playing with Celine, Nick put her back on the floor and headed for the kitchen.


"Dude...she just spoke." AJ exclaimed. Nick turned around and saw the baby reaching up for him.

"Dada.." Celine repeated. Nick couldn't believe his daughter had spoken her first words. He picked her up again and kissed her cheek as his eyes watered.

"Did you just say Dada, Celine?" Nick asked her as he grinned. The baby just smiled back...Nick kissed her again.

"She is so smart. That's my girl."

"What's going on?" Amanda asked as she came into the room with some groceries. She had made a quick trip to the store to get supplies for dinner.

"Celine spoke." Nick said excitedly, still smiling. Amanda's face fell and Nick's smile faded.

"I missed her first words?" she said softly. Nick felt horrible, he knew how important it was for Amanda. The rest of the night she seemed down. Nick spent all afternoon trying to teach Celine to say Mama...he knew he would make it up to Amanda...she was worth it. He loved her and wanted her to be happy no matter what he had to do...but he couldn't help but think that something big was coming and hoped that they could withstand it.

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