Chapter 8

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Ever since Nick had mentioned that he was choosing best man for the wedding, AJ had been trying to think of ways to make Nick pick him. The day after he heard the news, AJ saw Brian stop by to take Nick to a basketball game. He heard Nick saying he had no idea why Brian would pay when he could easily get the tickets for free.

"I know what you're up to..." AJ said, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"What are you talking about?" Brian asked.

"You're trying to make Nick pick you for best man." AJ smirked, walking over. Brian looked confused, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Nick is gonna pick me, I'm his best friend." he said. Brian was confident in his being the best man at Nick and Amanda's wedding simply because he had known them longer and as he said, was Nick's best friend.

"Don't be too sure," AJ replied with a smug grin.
"Oh really? Wanna bet?" Brian whispered, his face within an inch of AJ's sunglasses.

"This should be sweet. I bet you 100 bucks that Nick chooses me over you." AJ chuckled, jabbing his finger into Brian's shoulder.

"Bring it on." Brian said smirking. He loved competition, it reminded him of his days on the basketball team, when he felt invincible. Nick came up to them, wondering what they were discussing.

"I'm ready, let's hit it." Nick said casually. Brian followed Nick out of the house, smiling as he went.

"Two can play at this game." AJ said to himself as the door closed. The next day, Amanda and Nick came home from rehearsal very tired and both in need of naps before dinner.

"I am telling you one thing I'm not doing today, baby." Nick said wearily as they walked up to the front door.

"What's that?" Amanda asked, yawning. She had been at the club early that morning doing inventory, which took her hours.

"I am NOT cleaning the" Nick said as he opened the door to a sparkling clean living room. Nick walked around in awe, his mouth hanging open slightly in shock. The house even smelled clean....everything was in its place and not a speck of dirt was to be found.

"Oh my god....its clean...but who?" Amanda asked, her expression matching her fiancé's. Nick had been ready to come home to a mess, especially when AJ was babysitting Celine and his brother. Aaron tended to be messy and not pick up after himself, Nick was trying to teach him better.

Nick walked into the kitchen, and to his and Amanda's shock....AJ was on his hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor as Nick did.

"Jay?" Nick stuttered in disbelief.

"Just figured I would give you a break. Go on and take a look tired. I will take care of everything." AJ said warmly, standing up. Nick looked at Amanda, dumbfounded. He couldn't even speak, he was so shocked to see AJ cleaning. Muttering to himself, Nick walked up to his room rubbing his head in confusion.

"I think you broke him," Amanda commented, laughing.

"I been cleaning all I'm tired." AJ said, emptying the cleaning bucket into the sink.

"I just never thought I would see this day...I'm so proud of you!" Amanda said, pretending to cry as she stretched out her arms to hug him.

"Ha Ha, very funny Amanda." AJ quipped. Nick and Amanda went upstairs to lay down. The next day.... Nick had just finished spending the last two hours arguing with Howie, his manager about touring or the possibility of a small US tour. He was stressed beyond belief and warned Amanda ahead of time that he was in a bad mood.

"I'll take care of dinner, baby." Amanda said over the phone. After hanging up she headed to the kitchen but was met with Aaron.

"I'm sorry, the kitchen is closed..." he said, stretching his arms so they blocked her from coming in.

"Aaron, what are you talking about?" Amanda asked.

"AJ is cooking dinner." the boy said. Amanda was shocked...AJ never cooked, it was common knowledge that he couldn't make toast.

"Well keep the fire extinguisher ready." she commented. By the time Nick came home, dinner was ready and he could smell it from the living room.

"Wow what is that?" Nick asked as he came into the kitchen. The table was set and at each plate was a personal pizza. Several bowls at the middle contained toppings so everybody could choose what they wanted on their pizza.

"Come on guys, dig in." AJ said, looking at Nick expectantly. Nick's eyes shifted to Amanda, his face fearful. Aaron immediately began eating and everyone watched, looking for signs of illness. When nothing happened, Nick began eating. After all was said and done, everybody was full.

"That was amazing, Jay!" Nick commented, patting his stomach and sighing happily. AJ smirked, beating Brian would be a snap. The next afternoon, Nick was on his way to rehearsal when he looked up and saw a cop car in his rear view mirror. To his surprise, his speedometer read 80mph.

"Oh fucking hell." Nick groaned when the sirens started. He pulled over and rolled down his window, waiting for the officer to come over.

"I'msosorryofficerI'm latetorehearsaland..." Nick said quickly without looking up.

"License and registration pl....oh hello, Nick." the officer said. Nick thought it was strange to hear his name so he looked up to find Brian smiling at him. Nick quietly handed him his information.

"Do you know how fast you were going back there?" Brian asked, still smiling. Nick rubbed his forehead, feeling stressed.

"No..." he lied.

"You were doing 80 in a 40, Nick." Brian told him.
"Amanda is going to flip. I'm already late." Nick muttered.

"Are you going to rehearsal?" Brian asked calmly. Nick wondered why he wasn't taking his license and arresting him by now.

"Yes, I'm like a half hour late now." he replied, not looking forward to the mood Amanda was going to be in when he saw her.
"Go on, you don't want to make her any angrier." Brian chuckled, handing Nick back his information.

" ticket???" Nick asked in surprise.

"Get out of here before I arrest you for disobeying an officer." Brian quipped. Nick took off slowly to the club, still in disbelief and wondering what had just happened.

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