Chapter 38

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Nick was nervous about Amanda's parents visiting. He had prepared for at least two days, cleaning the house from top to bottom...he mowed the lawn and had the dogs groomed. Amanda, AJ and Aaron all pitched in as well, but Nick was the most anal about cleaning.

"Baby, my mom won't care if there is a bit of dust. She likes you. Nothing to worry about..." Amanda commented with a laugh.
"I know. I just want to it to make a good impression, its our house after all." he replied, putting his arms around her.

"I like when you call it our house." Amanda said, leaning in to kiss him. Nick couldn't wait to marry Amanda, the wedding was in just over a week and everything was finally falling into place. It would be a relief to finally say I do and get the whole thing over with. Nick and Amanda had been through so much in the last few months and both of them had learned what love really meant to each other.

Linda and John arrived the next morning. AJ was at work and Aaron at school. Amanda walked into the room with Celine as Nick answered the door.

"Hi, Linda...John. Nice to see you again." Nick greeted them. Linda was a pretty woman...brown hair and eyes like her daughter. It was easy to tell they were related. John was tall, muscular and had brown eyes as well. His dark blonde hair had grey patches in the back.

"What a lovely house." Linda commented. Nick beamed at her and gave them a tour of the house. Amanda was quiet...her mom complimenting him on the plaques and awards around the house. Nick just smiled and politely thanked her, though he seemed uncomfortable with the attention. After the tour of the house, Nick got ready to prepare dinner in the kitchen.

"Amanda, why aren't you helping him?" Linda asked as Amanda played with the baby...tickling her so she giggled. Celine definitely had her father's smile.

"Nick can do it....he always cooks." Amanda replied as the baby cooed and smiled at her.

"He shouldn't be doing so much...shouldn't he be taking it easy?" Linda asked. Nick shook his head...he hated pity. He didn't like people feeling sorry for him, hated it since he was a teenager.

"Linda, I feel fine. I came a long way since the accident and I am healthy now." he replied before walking back into the kitchen and starting dinner. He made homemade fried chicken....salad and mashed potatoes with gravy. He had prepared a cake for dessert and Amanda's parents were impressed.

"So are we going to see any more grandchildren?" Linda asked as Nick began to clear the table for dessert. Amanda looked nervously at Nick and he cleared his throat.

"We talked about it, mom." Amanda replied. Nick left the room, obviously uncomfortable about the situation.

"You should be helping him. Why is he doing everything?" Linda asked.

"Honey..." John began but he was cut off.

"Mom, he wants to do it. Nick likes to feel useful...I don't argue with him, he's happy." Amanda explained as she wiped at Celine's face. She could always count on her mother to be overly critical about her lifestyle. Amanda noticed her mother had also become protective of Nick since they met...even before their visit she had called Nick at least once a week to check on him.

"Dinner was wonderful, Nick. Is there anything you can't do?" Linda commented. Nick exchanged glances with Amanda. She didn't like how her mother was she was not even in the room. Amanda's parents were staying in the house but Nick had forgotten to tell AJ about the arrangement. He had been away at a convention for a day or two and missed out on the first part of the visit when he came home the next afternoon. Paying no attention to the woman watching television, he went straight to the playpen.

"Hey, Peanut." he said...and the baby giggled, smiling at him.

"You hungry? Let's get us some lunch." AJ added, picking up the baby and crossing the room towards the kitchen door.

"Hold it right there."

"Who are you?" AJ asked. Linda stood there, staring him down and looking angry. Celine grunted and buried her face in his shoulder.

"I'm her grandmother, now put her down or I'm calling the police." Linda shouted with a crazed look in her eye. She grabbed a broom standing nearby and held it, ready to strike.

"For what?" AJ asked shakily.

"You're kidnapping the baby. Put her down!!!"

"You're out of your damn mind, lady! I'm the nanny."

"Put her down!" Linda shouted threateningly. AJ finally obliged, setting Celine down on the floor. Linda attacked him right away, whacking him over the head with the broom repeatedly and shouting.

"What's going on down here?" Amanda demanded, running down the stairs. She grabbed the broom from her mother and got between the two of them.

"He's kidnapping the baby!!"

"Like hell I am!!!" AJ shouted back. Amanda pushed him back, he was heated.

"AJ take Celine in the kitchen." she instructed calmly. Linda glared at him, her eyes burning.

"Mom, he helps us with the baby and Aaron. AJ would never hurt anyone." Amanda said, putting the broom down.

"He looks like a criminal and you should call the police to take him back to jail where he belongs." Linda protested. Amanda sighed, they were in for a long day. Convincing her mom that AJ was safe would take some work but she hoped it would all come together in the end.

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