Chapter 32

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Amanda stood up and cleaned the sand off of herself before heading into the house...a wrap around her waist. The kitchen was at the back of the house and Amanda walked inside to find AJ cleaning up some broken dishes. The sink was full of water as if someone had been washing.

"What happened, Jay?" she asked as he threw the broken plate in the garbage.

"I don't know, I was gonna ask you the same thing...where were you?" he wondered, sweeping up the smaller pieces.

"I was outside. Are you the only one home?"

"I just got in...and what happened to the wall?"

"The wall-" Amanda said as a large hole in the wall next to the sink caught her eye. There was blood on the white wallpaper as well, pieces of it had caved in.

"Yeah, looks like someone punched it...and their hand must be bleeding." AJ said thoughtfully. Amanda was confused until she noticed that the kitchen window faced the beach....and the hole in the wall...

"That's too big to be Aaron's hand...and he isn't home. Are you sure Nick isn't here?" Amanda asked. They heard noise coming from upstairs and she feared the worst.
"His car was in the driveway when I came home." AJ replied.

"Shit...shit...I'm dead."

"What happened?"

"Nick saw everything...he saw Brian kiss me..." Amanda replied, panicking. The thumping noise grew louder.

"Brian WHAT?" AJ half shouted as he saw Amanda go up the stairs. Her heart was beating fast as she walked down the hall towards the noise...she could hear it louder now. Thump...thump...thump.

"Nicky?" Amanda said tentatively. She found Nick in the room with his gym equipment. He was busily punching the punching bag....and hitting it hard.


He turned around to face her with red rimmed eyes. She had never seen him look so angry and hurt and it scared her.

"Are you okay? I can ex-"

"AM I OKAY?! Are you asking if I'm okay??" Nick said suddenly, interrupting her. She backed away a little, moving towards the door as he came at her.

"Baby, I-"

"First JC and now Brian? Am I not good enough to be with you? I thought you loved me..." Nick said, tears swimming in his blue eyes. Amanda looked at him, shaking her head slowly. Nick's emotional state had been so up in the air lately that she was afraid of what he might do...especially after the overdose.

"JC? What are you talking about....Brian meant nothing to me, Nicky...I-"

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? How can you just replace me like that?" he shouted, his body shaking with anger. Amanda blinked at him, shrinking back.

"I would never replace you, sweetheart. I love you...." she whispered, not looking at him. Nick was not happy at all.

"After everything I have been through....after all I did...I'm still not good enough for you. Lance was right." he snapped. Amanda didn't say anything....she couldn't believe how angry he was. The kiss had meant nothing to her. She did love Nick more than anything, but she also knew that he had been going through a rough time and was unsure of himself.

"Nicky-" she said, reaching for him...he backed away, tears rolling down his face.

"I can't do this anymore." he said, looking her in the eye. Amanda was crying now....shaking her head in disbelief.


"I can't....I can't." Nick told her softly, walking towards the door.

"Nick....please...we can work this out." she begged, taking his arm. He took it back, wiping his eyes.

"I can't...not anymore." he whispered as he walked out of the room, leaving her. Amanda looked at the door, holding her arms against her and crying....listening as the door slammed downstairs....the car pulling out of the driveway and speeding off...he was gone.


Amanda collapsed to the floor in heaving was happening all over again....the images replayed in her mind...

"Lance...don't go..."

"You think I wouldn't find out? I'm out of here!"

"Please....what about the baby..."

"I don't owe either of you shit. I'm done..."

Amanda didn't even hear AJ run into the room, she was rocking slowly and crying as he held her.

"Are you all right?" he asked softly.

"He's gone....he's gone..." she said over and over...not able to accept it herself....Nick was gone. Amanda wiped her eyes and pushed AJ away suddenly...he backed up near the wall, staring at her.

"I have to get out of here before he comes back."

"Amanda-" AJ said, following her out of the room. Amanda didn't notice, she was muttering to herself about this being Nick's house...she had to leave. AJ was shocked...he never expected any of this to happen....but he knew one thing...Nick was wrong and he would pay.

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