Chapter 7

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"Nick....Nick, please! Please wake up!" Amanda begged, shaking his shoulder gently. He did not stir, his chest moving slightly. As the seconds passed, Amanda grew more worried. Wiping her eyes, she took out her cell phone and called the first number that came into her mind.


" gotta come down to the ranch. There's been an accident." Amanda sobbed, trying to hold her composure, but it was difficult.

"What happened?" Brian asked, sounding worried.
"Nick fell while we were riding and he won't wake up." Amanda replied.

"What the hell was he doing riding?" Brian asked.

"He was doing okay until he fell! Please, he won't answer me...he won't wake up!" Amanda cried, feeling more panic wash over her. Nick lay motionless in front of her and she was beginning to fear the worst, that he would never wake up. Amanda couldn't bear to lose Nick...she loved him so much and had known him so long that she couldn't think of him not being in her life.

"I'm on my way," Brian said before hanging up. Amanda called Kevin as well, because it was his family's ranch. She was glad that Nick was still breathing, but he would not respond to her. Amanda tried everything to wake him but he lay still. After what seemed forever, Nick let out a soft moan of pain.

"Oh, Nick...." Amanda whispered as his eyes fluttered open and he blinked up at her, looking confused.

"Amanda...." he said softly. Everything hurt, his whole body was sore.

"Baby, don't move. Help is coming, okay? Just stay still!" she told him calmly, grinning. She was glad he had woken up, but the possibility of paralysis was high.

"Wha-what happened? Everything hurts...." Nick asked, his eyes fearful.

"That's good, baby....if you feel pain its a good sign!" Amanda replied. It was a relief that he could feel pain...she looked up to see Brian running towards them, breathing heavily.

"Is he okay?" Brian shouted, nearly tripping over himself.

"He's awake but I told him not to move." Amanda explained. Brian checked him over and reminded Nick not to try getting up.

"What's going on?" Nick asked, his voice breaking. He was so confused, his eyes moving around in every direction they could.

"Nick, you fell off of your horse, please stay still. You might be injured." Brian instructed, trying to keep his friend calm. An ambulance came up the trail and parked by the tree. They placed a brace on Nick's neck and moved him carefully to a stretcher. Nick's eyes began to water, he hated hospitals and was scared to death he was seriously hurt.

"Amanda...." Nick called as they placed him in the ambulance. Amanda was relieved he woke up, but her fears that he might be hurt were still present.

"Baby, its gonna be okay....stay calm." Amanda told him, before the ambulance pulled away. She and Brian met up at the hospital, then sat in the waiting room.

"Why was he out riding, Amanda? I told you he was afraid of horses!" Brian asked, pacing the room.

"You didn't say he was afraid, you just said he hadn't ridden. He was doing fine until the horse threw him off!" Amanda explained. Nick had been riding very well, she was impressed.

"Nick is terrified of horses. When we went to Kentucky, he nearly got trampled when he was hanging out inthe barn and never went near a horse again." Brian protested.

"Brian, I'm telling you. He rode just fine...he was having fun until he fell." Amanda said as the doctor walked into the room.

"Mrs. Carter?" the doctor said. Amanda smiled. It would be hard getting used to hearing that, but she loved it already.

"Not yet, I am his fiancé." she corrected him.

"Mr. Carter is going to be just fine. He has no serious injuries, just a mild concussion. Just don't let him go to sleep for a few hours and have him take it easy tonight.". Dr. Johnson instructed.

"He is able to come home?" Amanda asked, feeling relieved.

"We are discharging him shortly, you can go see him in the emergency room." the doctor replied. Amanda and Brian went to Nick's bed where he had just finished getting dressed. He kissed Amanda on the cheek and hugged her gently, his back was sore.

"Hi baby. You gave us quite a scare back there." she said, smiling.

"I'm okay, they are sending me home." Nick replied. Brian told them he had go leave and get ready for work so he left after telling Nick he was glad nothing was wrong.

"Amanda, I got a confession....I don't really know how to ride." Nick said sheepishly, his face pink as he looked down at his feet.

"You were doing fine, why didn't you tell me the truth?"

"I took a few lessons, I guess I just wasn't ready. I wanted to stop being afraid....I'm tired of feeling weak."

"Nick, you're not weak. You made it through 10 years of abuse from your mother. That shows a lot of strength. You stood up to Lance, and you rode a horse even though you're scared of them. You're far from weak." Amanda said, smiling at him. Nick nodded and grinned, still feeling embarrassed.

"You don't have to do everything I do, baby. I still love you." she added.

"I know, let's go home." Nick said, because the nurse gave him the discharge papers. Once they got home, Amanda wouldn't let him they went over wedding plans as Nick laid on the couch.

"So who do you want as your groomsmen?" Amanda asked. Kevin was coming over the next day and she wanted to make sure this was settled so they could decide on the bridesmaid's dresses.

"Uh....Brian and AJ of course." Nick replied. Amanda had figured that he would use them...Brian and AJ were his two best friends. Brian was his best man at his first wedding.

"I would like JC too, if he isn't touring....and Lance." This answer surprised her. She was not expecting Nick to want Lance of all people in the wedding party.

"Lance? Baby, are you sure?" Amanda asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, we have been hanging out a lot lately. He's a cool guy." Nick said. Amanda couldn't believe it. She never thought she would see the day that Lance and Nick were friends, as children they were enemies and as adults too.

"I hope JC can make it, I have to call him late tonight. He's in Japan right now on a promotional tour." Nick said thoughtfully. JC Chasez was Nick's best famous friend, he had met him when he recorded his first album and they were inseparable. The two of them were very much alike.

"So who is the best man?" Amanda asked, jarring him out of his thoughts. This was a descision Nick was not looking forward to, because AJ and Brian were his two choices. AJ had done so much for him and his daughter, but Brian had known him longer.

"I have no idea. It's between Brian and AJ. I can't choose." Nick said, sitting up. His back felt stuff and he winced as he did so.

"Okay, we can leave that for now then...but you have to decide soon." Amanda reminded him. Nick sighed, if it wasn't one was another. Nick wondered if his life would ever stop being so complicated, but then reminded himself that he was was just the beginning.

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