Season 1: Episode 17: Hat Trick

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(Azalea's outfit^^^)

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(Azalea's outfit^^^)

-Sheriffs Station, 9:00pm-

Emma, Mr.Gold, and Azalea walked into the sheriffs office. Mr.Gold had business to discuss with Mary since he was now her acting lawyer. Azalea had just wanted to come to see her friend after closing the flower shop. To make sure Mary was okay...well as okay as she could be. "Henry? What are you doing here?" Emma asked seeing Henry sitting outside her office. "I came to congratulate you!" Henry said. "For what?" Emma asked. "Your genius plan." Henry said with a smile. "And what plan is that Henry?" Mr.Gold asked. Henry looked down and Mr.Gold shrugged, seeing that Henry didn't want to talk about it in front of him. "Right." He said before walking ahead of the group and into the office. "Sorry, I though Mr.Gold was in on it. Now that he is Ms.Blanchard's lawyer." He explained. "In on what?" Azalea asked. "The escape plan." Henry said as if it was obvious. "Ms.Swan you might want to see this." Mr.Gold called from inside the office. Emma looked scared as she and the kids followed her into the room. The jail cell was empty and open. Mary was gone. "Henry, what did you do?" Emma asked. "Nothing! She was gone when I got here!" the boy swore. "If she doesn't show up at our arrangements tomorrow for statements she will be arrested all over again." Mr.Gold said. "She is a fugitive, doesn't matter if she killed Kathryn or not." Emma said looking panicked. "What can we do to help?" Henry asked. "Go home, see if you can do anything to distract your mother from coming on time tomorrow." Emma said before sending him off. "Can I do anything to help?" Azalea asked. "I'm sorry but it will be faster for me to look on my own. Look around town and see if she is hiding anywhere you can find, but don't make it obvious your looking for her. I'll call you as soon as I know something." Emma said before getting her stuff and leaving. It was silent in the office as Azalea looked at the empty jail cell with dread. What was Mary thinking?! "Now you and I both know that you are quite the expert at finding lost bad Emma doesn't seem to remember how you found David in the woods." Azalea turned to face Mr.Gold who had a smirk on his face. "That was a one time thing." She said. "Or when you found Henry and Mr.Hopper in the abandoned mines." He continued. "That was his dog, Pongo, he smelled Dr.Hopper through the air shafts." Azalea said feeling scared as the man stared at her. "Is that the story your sticking too? I guess I can't argue with that...I mean it would seem a bit crazy to think that you could do something so...whats the word? Oh! I know the perfect one...magical." He said. "Magic isn't real." Azalea said, her voice shaking. "I do believe we both know that isn't true. And we can keep having this conversation. Or you can hurry along to your shop and do what you do best...find the missing person. Before it's to late."

-Mayor's Office, 9:30pm-

Regina was sitting at her desk, doing some late night work, when the flowers that she had captured Azalea's magic in started to glow. "That troubling girl. I will have to take her out sooner than I though." Regina said standing up and looking at the flower as they started to shake in the vase. "No," Regina said picking it up. "She can't break through the spell I put around it, there is no way." Regina said before the flowers light seemed to grow out of it and float around in the air, before flying through the window out of Regina's grasp. "Much sooner that I expected indeed." Regina said before grabbing her coat and running out of her office.

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