Season 5: Episode 14: Devil's Due

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"You do not want to see what that hell dog did upstairs." Robin said as he walked down the steps of Mary Margret's look alike apartment in the underworld. "Your lucky this isn't your actual home." He said as the group was looking through the damage that the demon dog had left behind in his attack. "So, we think we're ready?" Emma asked facing the group. Before anyone could answer the door to Mary's apartment swung open and Mr.Gold walked in, looking over the scene in front of him with weary eyes. "What do you think your doing?" He asked. "We're going to get Hook, what does it look like?" David asked as he picked up his sword, holstering it onto his side. Azelea felt someone grab her hand, and she turned to see Hercules standing behind her, glaring at Mr.Gold. This was the first time he was meeting the man after she told him about her past, so she could understand Hercules anger. Azelea was so glad that Hercules had chosen to stay and help the group get Hook back. She felt safe with Hercules near her. "We know that Hades will have him in some sort of isolation. Meg told us there's an entrance nearby." Emma explained. "So all fourty-five of you are going to slip down into the deepest level of detention in the underworld?" Mr.Gold asked sarcastically. "Hades knows your here. He'll have put up barriers to keep the living out of all the places he doesn't want us going. You walk into his domain, you all will be puffs of dust by the time he's done with you." Mr.Gold said, pacing the room. Everyone frowned, knowing that Mr.Gold had a point. "So what do we do? Get a new plan?" Emma asked sarcastically. "Correct. The seven of you, occupy yourselves as you will...perhaps cleaning?" The man said looking around the wrecked apartment. Mr.Gold faced Emma, "You and I will go in with the assistance of a helpful dead person, I can extend their aura if you will, so that two living people can get through Hades barrier undetected." Mr.Gold explained. "Wait a minute, yesterday you hid in your you're going to lead the charge on finding a man that you hate?" Emma asked, sounding skeptical. By the looks of everyone else in the room she wasn't the only one. "Yea, because I realize that if I don't step in we're never going home, and I very much want to get home to my wife." Mr.Gold said. "Okay, so explain your whole plan. How are you going to get this 'dead person's aura?" Emma asked. "You leave that to me. I've got someone in mind...someone I've known a long time." Mr.Gold said looking away from the group. "Why would we trust you when we can have Azelea who can get us through the barriers with her flower crowns?" Emma asked. Mr.Gold turned to the teenager and his frown only grew. Azelea felt worry seep through her, it was never good when Mr.Gold looked at you with a sort of pity. He sighed, walking past Emma to the Azelea. Hercules and David both looked on edge as the man got closer to her, but Azelea didn't stop him. Hercules tightened his grip on her hand. Azelea looked Mr.Gold in the eyes, and she saw fear. "What aren't you telling us?" She asked. Mr.Gold didn't answer at first, but eventually he broke eye contact with Azelea and turned to Mary and David. "Peter Pan is here. He approached me about his desire to go back to the world of the living, but that wasn't his only interest." He said gesturing to Azelea. "Peter Pan? I've met him before...what interest does he have in Azelea?" Hercules asked. "What interest doesn't he have is the better question." Regina said rolling her eyes. "Oh god, he's trying to take her away again?" Mary asked. Mr.Gold nodded, confirming the worst fears. "Can someone please explain to me why your all freaking out so much?" Hercules asked. Azelea took his other hand into hers, calming him down a bit. "Why don't you two go off on a date or something and you can catch him up on why my son is so terrible, while Emma and I discuss our new plan on rescuing Hook?" Mr.Gold asked, Azelea blushed at the word 'date' as she folded her arms. "I actually think that's a good idea. No better way for you to stay safe from Peter Pan then having a literal god protecting you." Emma joked, trying to lighten the mood.  "We can't let Azelea run around without protection. Not with the possibility of Pan trying to get to you. It would complicate our plans to rescue Hook." Mary said turning to David, neither of them liking the idea of Emma being alone with Mr.Gold, or Azelea being anywhere close to Pan. They were in a corner, wanting to protect both of their daughters. Azelea rolled her eyes.  "I'm not some damsel in distress. I can't go run and hide whenever there is a threat to my safety. None of you guys do that. I've been here for awhile and Pan hasn't shown up." Azelea pointed out. "Yea, but none of us are an endangered species miss flower enchantress." Regina said. Azelea was about to argue, but was stopped by Hercules calming hand on her shoulder. "Let's do as they say for now. I can be with you at all times to make sure that Pan doesn't get close to you...and you can explain what happened between you guys." Hercules said. "Fine, but call me if you need anything. And don't do something stupid without letting me know." The flower enchantress said, looking directly at her sister Emma. As she and Hercules left the apartment together Azelea pulled a flower crown from her bag and placed it on Emma's head. "Thanks sis...I got this." Emma said with confidence.

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