Season 2: Episode 12: In the Name of the Brother

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Mary ran up the steps with David right behind her, her heart was beating in her chest so fast that it was going to fly out of her body. They both burst through the door of Mary's apartment out of breath and wide eyed. "Mary...David." Archie said standing up from the couch, the two ran over to him and captured him in a three way hug. "I can't believe your alive!" Mary said with tears down her face, but they were of happiness instead of the sad ones she had been shedding for the past days. "I can't believe you ever though I was dead...tell me how many people were at my funeral?" Archie said in a joking manner. "Mary, David." The blue fairy called to them from her seat beside the couch. Emma and Henry were both seated across from it watching them. The two looked to each other taking hands before walking over to the couch. They both gasped when they saw Azalea, peacefully sleeping under one of Mary's blankets. "She wanted to stay awake till you got here, but after I gave her some magical herbs to help her magic recover quicker she couldn't help but fall asleep." Blue explained as The two fell to their knees beside the couch so they were level faced with Azalea. Another new flower crown placed on her head. Mary let out a sob and hugged the girl. David, with watery eyes put his hand on her shoulder, as if he couldn't quite believe she were in fact alive. Azalea blinked, awoken by Mary's crying, and when she saw the two she smiled brightly and hugged them both. David kissing her face over and over again as Mary kept her arms around the teen. Emma, watching everything pulled Henry closer to her as they both sat and watched. "Were all together again." Henry said with a grin. "Yea," Emma sighed. "It doesn't seem like anything can keep this family apart." She said with a grin. Suddenly her phone rang for the police department and she got up to answer it, she went to the kitchen so that the reunion wouldn't be disturbed. "Emma Swan, what your emergency?" She asked. She listened on the other side of the line, her eyes suddenly widening. "I'll be there right away." She said hanging up. "What's wrong?" Archie asked, pulling everyone's attention to her. "There is a situation on the towns line...I need to go see what is going on." She said as she went to grab her jacket. "I'll go with you." David said standing up. He gave Azalea one last hug and went to join Emma at the door. "You don't need to do that. You've barely spent five minutes with Azalea." Emma said. "I don't want you going to a dangerous situation by yourself. Mary can stay here with Henry and Azalea. I'll come with you." David said grabbing his own jacket. "It never stops does it?" Emma asked with a smirk. "Nope, not really." David said exiting the apartment with her.

-The town line-

Emma pulled the cop car up. Mr.Gold was hovering over Belle, Hook was on the ground, and a wrecked car was to the side of the road. "Well this is mess." David said as the two got out. David ran over to Belle and Mr.Gold, Belle was shouting. "Are you okay?" David asked. 'I'm at the town line." Emma said into the phone with the hospital, "Two people down, maybe three. There's a car pretty beat up with a Pennsylvania plate." David helped Mr.Gold stand as Belle looked panicked. "What's going on?" David asked. "Hook shot her and she went over the line! I was able to heal the gun shot wound but she doesn't remember anything." Mr.Gold said in a bit of a panic himself as David went to calm down Belle. Emma walked over to Hook who was groaning on the ground. "Hey beautiful." He said in a cracking voice. Emma got down and put pressure on him rib cage, he cried out and Emma sighed. "I think your ribs are broken." She stated. "Did you see his face? His one true love gone in an instant!" Hook shouted loud enough for Mr.Gold to hear. "Just like Milah you crocodile!" He said as Mr.Gold stomped over. "No! Don't stoop to his level." Emma said holding him back. "It doesn't matter anymore, Belle doesn't remember me!" Mr.Gold said. "Well beating up someone with broken ribs is a bad first impression." Emma said as sirens could be heard coming down the road. "What do you care?! He's the one who kidnapped Azalea!" Mr.Gold shouted. An ambulance came up and four paramedics got out, one went to Belle while the other two went to go help Hook. "No! he can wait, see who is stuck in the car." Emma said pointing the two paramedics to the wrecked car. The two looked through the busted window at the guy who was passed out against the busted air bag. "Have you ever seen this guy before?" Emma asked David. "No, but that's because he drove into town." He said. "Looks like the world has finally come to Storybrooke." Emma said with a hint of fear. Hook was groaning in pain on the ground, David walked over and stood over him. "Your lucky that I don't break your other ribs too." He growled, before helping the man stand up and helping him walk to the ambulance.

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