Season 2: Episode 10: The Cricket Game

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(Azalea Outfit^^^)

-Mary's Apartment-

"I'm glad your finally better." Emma said as she, Azalea, and Henry walked up the steps to the apartment. "The pain went away after the first day, you all made me stay in and rest when I was feeling fine." Azalea said, rolling her eyes as she got the key out to unlock the door to Emma and Mary's apartment. She hardly went into her own apartment anymore. "We just wanted to make sure you were okay." Emma said as she opened the door and they all walked in. "Hey guess what, taco shells were on sale!" Henry said walking to the kitchen. Emma and Azalea walked in after him "What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon." Henry said looking confused. Emma and Azalea walked up behind him to see Mary and David both in the same bed, with no clothing on. They both looked like deer caught in headlights. Azalea felt her face burning as Emma's eyes got huge. "The trip back was tiring and I needed to rest." Mary said, the covers pulled up to her chin. "And...I needed to help her rest." David stuttered, both of them looking bashful. "Uh, Let's-lets go make the tacos for tonight!" Emma said turning to Henry. Azalea couldn't control the blush on her face as she quickly turned to Henry without a word and pushed him into the kitchen, wanting to leave this situation as soon as humanly possible. "I though you were going to be back later." Mary whispered to Emma. "Yea well were back now. How about next time you put a sock on the door or know what. I'm going to go make tacos now, and try to forget that this ever happened." Emma said before quickly running to the kitchen with Henry and Azalea. "It's impressive that we can still provide our children with a few traumatic childhood memories at this stage of the game." David said with a smirk. "I don't think I have ever seen Azalea's blush so hard." Mary teased. They kissed one last time before getting out of the bed...well Mary did. David had to wait for Mary to get him some pants.

(Azalea's outfit^^^^^^)

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(Azalea's outfit^^^^^^)

-Later that Night, Granny's-

Mary, David, Azalea, Emma, and Henry walked into Granny's Diner. Everyone jumped from their hiding places yelling surprise. The family smiled as everyone hugged one another, the dwarfs raising their glasses to a toast. Ruby ran up and hugged Mary tightly. "I wasn't worried one bit." she said with a laugh. "I can tell." Mary said sarcastically. Dr.Hopper and Granny also hugged Mary as David walked around and greeted the dwarfs, David taking a glass of beer from Sleepy. Mary smiled to Azalea as she sat at the bar, a book in her hand. The shy teen gave the woman a wave to show that she was just fine. Azalea really didn't prefer these kinds of parties. But Granny had insisted that she show. So here she was. It was alright since everyone knew Azalea personally, so they knew she was content in the corner with a good book and a root beer float. The night progressed, everyone having fun and enjoying the celebration. David tapped his glass getting everyone's attention. "I just wanted to uh, thank you all for joining us tonight. Um, Mary and I. We have a saying. That we will always find each other. And while I believe that with all my heart, I'd like you all to raise your glass and join me when I say, here's to not having to look for each other for awhile." David said with somewhat relief as everyone cheered and drank. Everyone's glasses clinked as the door opened. Regina walked in looked around the room as it grew very quite with her presence. "Sorry I'm late." She said holding a dish of some fancy pasta. "What is she doing here?!" Leroy shouted from the crowd. "I invited her!" Emma said turning to face him. Mary pulled Emma over to the side with her and David as Regina walked in awkardly. "Look were only celebrating today because of Regina. If she hadn't of protected Azalea from Mr.Gold then we wouldn't have made it through that portal." Emma said to her parents. "No matter what she did in the past we owe her our thanks now...Look even Azalea is talking to her, and she kidnapped her for Christ sake!" Emma said gesturing as Azalea and Henry sat next to Regina at the bar. "Emma, she tried to kill us. Yesterday!" Mary said. "No she didn't, she is trying to change for Henry. And that is enough for me." Emma said. Mary and David looked over at Regina, she was smiling while serving Azalea and Henry some of her pasta. David sighed and looked at Mary, before they both agreed that it was fine that she stayed. Emma walked over to Regina and Mary called Azalea over to them. "What do you guys need?" She asked as David put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "Oh nothing, what's wrong with wanting you to spend time with us?" David asked casually. Azalea raised in eyebrow, cuddling into David's side. "If Henry and Emma can trust Regina then why can't we?" Azalea asked, immediately seeing right through the two parents. "You of all people should know why...we might just need a little more time to trust Regina. So stay close to either one of us, Ruby, Leroy, Emma, or Dr.Hopper tonight okay?" Mary asked the teen.  Azalea agreed before the two released her back to the party. They both watched as Azalea walked back to her seat at the end of the booth where Ruby was making more drinks for the dwarfs. The teen picked up her book and got lost in her reading as everyone had a good time around her.

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