Season 3: Episode 11: Going Home

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-Woods of Storybrooke-

"You never fail to impress me Pan, outwitting the Evil queen in a matter of few days....impressive." Felix said as he and Peter, well Peter in Henry's body, walked through the woods up to the well that was the main source of magic in Storybrooke. "Regina loves the boy, that makes her weak. And I almost had Azalea as well but she had her flower crown on...I will have to find another way to get her to take it off, while she has it on nothing that is trying to harm her can even touch her." Pan said holding the curse in his hands. "This is where we will cast the spell." He said with a grin. Felix held up the bag of ingredients that Peter had sent him to acquire. Peter started to pull the things out of the bag and Felix checked around the area. "So when this is all done, will they all be dead?" He asked Pan. "Worse, they will be slaves to the new land I'm making. With no idea who they once were. Death is final Felix...their suffering will be eternal. And Azalea will be with me for all of that eternity."  Pan said with an evil grin.

-Mary Pov-

"Another curse?" I asked. "It's happening again?" I looked to Regina and Mr.Gold. "Well will this curse work like the last one?" Emma asked. "The last one was to service the Evil Queens wishes. This one is under Pans control." Mr.Gold said. "I would count on something hellish." He added as an after though. "The curse was built to be unstoppable, there is nothing that can be done." Regina said with a frown. "Well it is possible to stop it." Mr.Gold said. "What?" Regina asked him. "Using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person using the scroll...that's you Regina." He said facing her. Everyone looked to each other confused. I looked down at Azalea, with Pan having the new curse it was hard to tell what he would do to her with it. It was obvious that he wanted to have her as his own, he was obsessed with keeping the teen with him. I put my arm around her, pulling her close to me. Azalea wrapped her arms around me, holding herself close to me, she seemed frightened. "What do I have to do?" Regina asked. "You have to destroy the scroll. Both your and his curse shall be ended. But know this, there will be a price. A steep one. " Mr.Gold said. "What do you suggest?" Regina asked, pushing the last part of what Mr.Gold said to the back of her mind. "I say we bring Peter to us, using a spell. One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies." He said thoughtfully. "If I have the scroll in my hand when our bodies get switched that means I can bring it back to you guys." Henry said. "Exactly." Mr.Gold said. "Even you aren't strong enough to cast a spell like that." Regina said folding her arms. "Well with a specific tool I could be." Mr.Gold said looking over at Tinker bell. "The black fairy's wand. The most powerful fairy want to exists...the blue fairy banned her, but before she did the two fought it out and Blue got her wand." Tink said, knowing what Mr.Gold was thinking. "I assume that our dearly departed fairy had it hidden in her residence." Mr.Gold said, turning to Azalea. "You can cast a locator spell and find it correct?" He asked the teen. "I could." She confirmed.  "Then it is settled, you, Hook, Neal, I, and Tink will go find the want while the others go back to my shop to prepare Henry for the switching spell." Mr.Gold said. "I will join you all." David said walking up next to Azalea. "No offense but I would rather be with her if she is going to be with you and with Peter around." David said looking to Gold. "Very well. You might be helpful anyhow." Mr.Gold said as the groups separated. I kissed David goodbye. "I promise to keep her safe." David whispered before going with the other group.

-Azalea Pov-

David, Hook, Neal, Tink, Mr.Gold, and I walked into the funeral home where a few of the nuns were looking over Blue in her coffin. "Sorry to interrupt." Tink said walking up to them. "But we need your help." She said. "With what?" One of the nuns asked. "The black fairy's wand is here and we need it, my locator spell lead us here but Blue must have put some kind of protection spell on it because I cant locate it's exact location." I said walking up to them. "We could never..." she said. "Yea, yea, it's a terrible thing. But what's coming is worse, now where is it?" Tink asked. A bang came from outside and a shadow started flying outside of the windows of the room. "What was that?" David asked. "Pan's shadow." Hook said. The banging continued and the nuns went to go hide. "It wants the wand! We need to find it quick." I said looking around the room, trying to feel for any magical presence. Pan's shadow flew in through one of the open windows and shrieked at us. "Run! Take cover!" David shouted, everyone ran as he came over and grabbed me, we all ran behind some chairs stacked up around the room. The shadow flew around, trying to get the wand. "Do you all have the candle with you?" David asked turning to Hook and Neal. "We do, and this time I say we get rid of the blasted thing for good." Hood said. "I'll draw it to us," Neal said about to go out in the open. "Are you sure you want to try this? We can just find the wand and go!" Tink said. "We need to get rid of this thing once and for all, it will weaken Pan." Neal said. "Anything to help us stop this curse is worth trying." Hook said as Neal went out into the open. "Hey! over here!" He shouted, but the shadow didn't even seem to notice him. "Hello! Come and get me!" He shouted, but to no avail. "Why isn't the shadow going after him?" Tink asked. I sighed, "Because it wants me. Peter wants me." I said, jumping into the open before David could stop me. I ran out and waved my arms. "Hey shadow! over here!" I yelled from the other side of the room. It noticed me and flew at me, I was able to dodge it and keep it distracted as the others though of a plan. I was starting to run out of breath as the shadow got closer to getting me each time it tried. Tink stood up from the hiding spot and grabbed the candle. She opened the pixie dust Windy gave her and I ran over to her, leading the shadow in her direction. She started to fly and she lit the candle with her magic. She was holding the candle out, I ran under her out of the way as the shadow was sucked into the candle. Tink floated down and everyone ran to her smiling. "You did it Tink! all you needed to do was believe." David said as I took the candle and took a deep breath focusing my magic in my hand and lighting a flame, setting the whole candle holder on fire. Black smoke rose from it as the last cry from the shadow died out. "I though only Regina could do that hand fire thing." Neal said impressed. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve." I told him with a grin. "Well done Green." We all turned to face the coffin at the voice of Blue. She was standing up, out of her coffin. Alive. "What? But how?" Tink asked, seeing the blue fairy alive and standing up, walking over to us. "When the shadow was killed my own shadow returned and I was revived." Blue explained. "you finally believed in yourself Green...Tinkerbell, welcome back." She said, sounding proud. "I-I'm a fairy again?" Tink asked. "You deserve your wings Tink, and you have earned them back many times over." Tink smiled, tears in her eyes. "Thank you." I stepped up. "And as for the black fairy wand?" I asked. Blue sighed and held her hand out, the black wand appearing in her hands. "Here, now go save us all." Blue said handing it to me. "Only you, Regina, and Mr.Gold should handle the wand. It has powerful magic and can be dangerous in untrained hands." She warned as I smiled, taking it. "It's good to have you back." I said, hugging the fairy. "It's good to be back." She whispered. "Now go stop Pan."

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