Season 3: Episode 10: The New Neverland

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Ariel and Belle were walking along the docks in Storybrooke. "So if the name you gave me is correct...he should work right over there." Belle said pointing to a local fish stand. Ariel smiled as she saw Eric chopping up fish. "Is that him?" Belle asked. "Yes, it is." Ariel said with a giant smile. She let herself run over to him, still getting used to the shoes that Belle had given her. Belle watched from a distance as they talked to each other, then leaning in for a passionate kiss. She was happy for her new friend...she really was, but she couldn't help but wonder when her love would return. If any of her friends who went to save Henry and Azalea would return. A whooshing sound filled the air and the wind began to blow rapidly. "What is that?" Eric asked, pulling Ariel close to him. Belle looked up and saw Hooks ship flying down from the clouds towards them. "They're back!" She shouted over the noise as the ship broke the protection spell Belle had put over to town while they were gone. The boat landed in the water and it started to head for the docks. "Someone go find Grumpy or Ruby! Tell them that Hooks ship is back!" Belle called as she and a few others ran up to the docks. Belle felt her heart beating in her chest, who had made it back? Were Henry and Azalea saved? Was Rumple okay?

-Azalea Pov-

Henry and I were the first to walk off the boat, we were greeted with cheers and applause from everyone in Storybook. "Alright!"  "Yea!" "They're back!" People shouted as everyone came off the boat. Granny and Leroy were the first to make it to me, hugging me and looking over me. Ruby and Archie were hugging Henry. The crowd was so loud and happy. I couldn't help but smile, feeling like I was home again. "Azalea! Snow!" I turned to see Ariel running over to us. "Ariel?!" Snow called, both of us running over to her and hugging her. "I'm glad to see you made it back." Eric said walking up behind her. Snow and I smiled to each other. Ariel blushed as we both hugged her. "I'm so don't remember but when you came back to Neverland with Pandora's box I put a spell on you and switched them under Pans control." I admitted to my old friend. "It's alright, I only realized what happened after I got back- but I knew that you all would make it back no matter the trial." Ariel said, hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad your alright.
"She whispered in my ear. "Partly thanks to you and Belle." I said looking over at her as she and Rumple reunited. "Azalea!" I turned, hearing my name again. But I was blown away when I saw Michael and John running over to me. I ran past Snow and Ariel and we all hugged. "We never though we would see you again!" They said as they looked at my clothing. "What are you wearing?" John asked me. I looked down and saw that I was still in the clothes Pan had given me in Neverland. "Good question...I need to change. But first-" I said pulling them over to the ship. They both watched with wide eyes looking for their sister. She finally stepped off with Tink and they both gasped, running up to hug her. "Michael! John!" She called as they all embraced. "Is it really you?" she asked, tears in her eyes. "Yes, we have been waiting so long to see you again." They both said hugging her. I frowned. "If only I would have stayed and made sure you all made it out instead of going after the flowers I grew for Peter." I said expressing my apologies to them. "Don't be daft." Michael said hugging me. "We would have never made it out without you at all...and you needed to stop Pan and his plans." John said. My heart felt full as I nodded and hugged them all again. Neal walked over and hugged the two boys. "It's been awhile." He said. "Seems like we all made it out one way or another." Neal said looking over all of us. "Yes, it seems bad you two didn't come at the same time. We all might have made it out together." Windy said to Neal and I. "Well I had come and gone way before Azalea was even born...but we all made it out and that's all that matters." Neal said. "So, where will you go now?" I asked the Darlings. "I think it's about time we went home." John said, pulling Windy under his arm. "All of us." I smiled, "About time right?" I asked with sarcasm.

-Snow Pov-

"How do you feel?" I asked, turning to David in the crowd of people. "Pretty good actually, I think the water must be working." He said, looking over at Azalea as she talked to Windy and her brothers. "Eye it is, the moment my brother left Neverland the dreamshade took his life." Hook said walking over to us. "Azalea says that she has a permanent cure...we better go get that done." I said, taking David's hand into mine. "There was a minute that where I though not all of us would make it out of that place." Emma said, also joining us with Henry. I looked over at Regina, as she stood beside the crowd, looking out of place. "And we owe a lot of us making it out alive to Regina." I said loudly, everyone stopped talking and faced her. She looked up at me, looking confused. "Regina helped save us all." I said, giving the credit where it was due.

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