Season 4: Episode 21: Mother

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"Azelea!" David called as he walked through the forest. Everyone had their flashlights, calling the teens name as they spread out in search for the girl. I stopped walking and sighed, looking around the dark forest. With Emma and Regina gone to get Robin away from Zelena we were short handed on people to search for Azelea. This wasn't the first search party that had been created for her. There were plenty of times in the Enchanted forest where people tried to take her away, and the few times that they had somehow succeeded the teen had always found a way out, or we found her. "No wonder her family ran away to the forest right?" Mary said walking up behind me. "You read my thoughts. Maybe we should all run away once this is all over. With you, Emma, Azelea, Neal, and Henry?" I asked. "Yea right. Regina would have to come with us...and we are the Queen and King. We can't leave our people." Mary said. "But sometimes I wish that I wasn't...times like this. I wish for a normal life." She said. Before we could say anymore I heard Leroy calling our names. We ran through the woods to where he was kneeling on the ground. In front of some flowers. They were in the middle of a path, growing from the ground. But there were no other flowers in sight, making these stand out. "Ruby says she can smell magic in these flowers." Leroy said as Ruby stood in wolf form sniffing the flowers. "I recognize these." I said kneeling beside Leroy. "You do? Are they flowers that Azelea planted? How could she?" Mary asked. "These are Azelea's flowers - we know that for sure. But I don't think she planted these recently. She must have gotten these here somehow with her magic." I said, feeling my hand move on its own. "When I first woke up from the coma. When Storybook was under Regina's original curse...there was a celebration party. I still had amnesia. And Azelea brought this type of flower to the party." I said, grasping one of the flowers with my fingers.

"Do you know why he doesn't remember? the curse isn't working on him yet." Henry said watching as David talked to a few people, it was easy to see that he was uncomfortable with so many strangers around him. But his wife had been nice enough to have a party for his return. He wasn't about to just hide from all of these people who called them his friends. "Henry, David has amnesia." Emma said with a sigh. "Which is preventing the curse from replacing his memories with fake thoughts from the curse." Henry said like it was the simplest thing in the world. "Right, because everyone has fake memories that are preventing them from remembering who they really are." Emma said connecting the dots. "Right. And now is our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he is prince charming." Henry said looking at David again from across the room. "Henry let's just try to have a good time tonight alright?" Emma said as Azelea looked down at her flower arrangement. She chose a blue and purple pattern, she didn't know why. But it just kind of felt correct. "Hey," The group looked up as David walked over to them. "You're the people who saved me when I ran away from the hospital. When I first woke up from my coma right?" He asked with a grin. "I-I guess so." Emma said shaking his hand. "And, your also the only people I know here." He said looking around at the crowd. "You can hide with us, this one is especially good at hiding in a crowd." Emma said putting her hand on Azelea's back and pushing her forward. The teen had hidden behind Emma like a shy school girl. David chuckled as the girl frowned at Emma. "So, have you ever used a sword?" Henry asked. David chucked again, "I'm sorry?" He asked, confused by the question. Emma blew off the question with a joke and David laughed before looking at the flowers Azelea held in her hands. "Those are very pretty," David said looking at them. "Those are my two favorite colors actually." He said with a smile as Azelea blushed. "Good, she made them for you and your wife. She isn't going to say it though." Emma said as Azelea's cheeks grew a dark red tent as she held the flowers to David. "You saved my life and you get me flowers...the irony, but thank you they are beautiful." He said before taking them in his hand. Azelea adjusted the flower crown in her hair as her blushing cheeks grew redder. "So, you live with Mary Margret right?" David asked Emma. "Do you know if she is coming tonight?" He asked. "She isn't, I'm sorry." Emma said David nodded and looked at the flowers. David took the flowers into the kitchen to put them in some water, looking at them in wonder. 'I had forgotten my favorite color till now,' He though putting them into a vase and taking them back out to the living room to put on the table. 'Azelea must be a lucky guesser.' He though touching one of the petals. He gasped as a flash of vision flooded his eyes.

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