Season 3: Episode 5: Good Form

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-Felix Pov-

A few of the lost boys dragged Bae ,or 'Neal' as he liked to call himself now, through the forest into the prison area. The boys threw the unconscious Neal into the cage and I smirked. "You all know what Pan told you to do it." I commanded before heading back to the campsite. Letting the newbies take care of the dirty work.

-Henry Pov-

I was watching the boys as they climbed rope and wrestled around. Azalea had left with Peter before and I still couldn't find out what he had done to her...he had to have done something, Azalea would never want to leave Snow and Charming. Or anyone in Storybrooke for that matter. I felt something grab my shoulder blade and I turned to face one of the lost boys, he had a stick and was smirking at me as he poked me again roughly. "So your the boy Pan has been looking for all this time?" He asked me, like he couldn't believe I was real. "Ask him," I said standing up, backing away as the boy tried to gab me again. "Your no stronger than any of us, what does Peter want with you?" He asked, the stick got me again and I hit it away. "Stop it!" I said getting mad. "If you can't handle this then how are you going to handle what Pan has in store for you?" The boy asked with a smirk. I looked around me and found a stick about as large as his, I picked it up and aimed it at the lost boy. "There we go, now it's a challenge." He said before we both swung at each other with the sticks. The lost boys crowded around us and cheered as we tried to hit each other. I finally got a good hit at his hand and knocked the stick out of his grasp. Everyone cheered as the boy I beat looked distraught. "That was pretty good." Peter said appearing out of the shadows, Azalea's arms around his waist looking at me with concern. "But wouldn't it be more fun if you fought with...swords?" Peter asked walking over to us. "Peter, I don't like the idea of Henry fighting with a sword." Azalea said looking worried for me. "I've never used a real sword." I said. "This is Neverland, and you have the heart of the truest believer. You can use whatever you want." Peter said smiling to me. "Peter, come on. He has never had training with a real sword." Azalea said getting Pans attention. "Shh, babe it's alright. I have it all handled." He said putting his hand on top of her flower crown. Azalea's eyes went blank for a few seconds before she nodded. "Of course, I'm sorry." She said as he removed his hand. Pan turned back to me and moved to stand behind me. I grasped the stick in my hand and looked at it. "Now, close your eyes, and imagine your holding a real sword." He whispered in my ear. I did as he said. I heard the boys gasping around me and opened my eyes. I smiled when I saw a sword in it instead of a stubby branch. The boy who had been taunting me before backed up as Azalea grinned. "See Henry, you truly are amazing." She said to me. "Well what are you waiting for?" Peter asked as the boy picked up his stick to defend himself. "Go win your battle!" Pan shouted as I swung my sword. The first swing cut the boys stick into two, the second swing made a cut into his cheek. I stopped swinging and my heart dropped. What was I doing?! "I-I'm so sorry!" I said as the boy held his cheek and frowned at me. "Henry! Do you know the best thing about being a lost boy? You never apologize." Peter said putting his hand on my shoulder like he was a proud father. "Here, let me fix your cut." Azalea said to the other boy as she dug through her bags of herbs. "No need Azalea...he was taunting Henry, he doesn't deserve to be treated by your lovely hands." Pan said walking over to her. "But what if the cut gets infected?" She asked him. "Dear," He said putting his hand on her flower crown again. "Don't worry about the boys cut." He said. The same blank look overtook her face again, before she smiled to Peter. "Right, your right." She said letting him pull her into a hug. I frowned at the flower crown in her hair. Why did Peter keep on putting his hand over it? Something wasn't right. But Azalea seemed so happy to be with Pan. It was all so confusing.

-Mary Pov-

We had found Neal's old hideout from when he had been in Neverland. We were looking for any clue as to how he got off the island the first time so that the fairy would help us get Henry and Azalea back from Pan. So far we were coming up empty. "Look at this." Emma said looking at some markings on the wall. "What is it?" Hook asked. "He was counting how many days he had been here." Emma said looking at the tally marks that lined the wall. "But it stops here." David said looking at where the tally marks end. "Is that when he got off the island?" I asked. "No, it's when he gave up on counting the days." Emma said looking down. "How do you know?" Regina asked. "Because I did the same thing, every time I went to a new home I would count how long I was there till counting seemed pointless." She said, another pain of guilt hitting my heart. "So he stopped counting when he lost hope?" I asked. "Seems like it, and the same thing is going to happen to Henry." Emma said. "Hey, were going to get him and Azalea." David said with confidence. "Yea but Henry doesn't know that! And only God knows what Azalea is ever thinking with Peter controlling her! Peter said that he would make them lose hope. Who knows how much time we have?!" Emma said sounding upset. "So what are we supposed to do to help Henry keep faith? Send him a message? Because I haven't seen a Neverland Post office around here yet." Regina said with her usual sarcasm. "We need to somehow send a simple sign that we are coming for him, without Pan knowing." Emma said. "Good luck with that one mate. Pan knows everything that happens on his island." Hook said. "And we also have a bunch of lost boys running around trying to kill us at any chance they get." Regina said. "Then how about we start using that to our advantage." I said. "What do you mean?" David asked. "Follow me, I'll show you." I said walking out of Neal's old hideout. I was done with looking around, Azalea and Henry needed us, and I was going to take action.

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