Season 2: Episode 15: The Queen is Dead

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-Mary's Apartment-

Mary walked downstairs and into the kitchen in her apartment. She sighed when she saw a white and green flower crown laying on the kitchen counter with a note.

"Dear Snow, I know you don't enjoy this day nearly as much as you should. But that doesn't mean that I can't be happy that you were born today. So please wear this as a present from me. These are the same flowers that I used to decorate your hair on the day you married David. Thank you for everything you do for the people of your kingdom. And also for everything you have done for me." 


Snow folded the note back up after reading it and put the crown on her head. "I see you found Azalea's present. She wanted to give it to you personally but she had to go work on the magic bean crops." David said walking over into the kitchen. "It's beautiful." Mary said turning to look in the mirror, she saw David cooking behind her in the reflection and turned to him. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm making breakfast." David said with a shrug. "Why?" Mary asked. "I'm hungry." David said turning away from her. "You don't think I don't know what your doing? We talked about this, we have a deal." Mary asked him with a frown. "I know-I know." David said turning to face her. "I was hoping that with the curse broken you would change your mind." He said with a bit of hope. "Well I didn't," Mary said quickly shooting David's hopes down. She went to clear the table for breakfast and stopped when she saw a wrapped gift on the table. "What is this?" She asked sounding annoyed. "A present. And it's not from me." He said putting his hands up in surrender. "No one else knows my birthday date besides you and Azalea and she already broke our rule of no gifts." She said referring to the flower crown. "Apparently someone else besides us does know, and they also think that you should celebrate. It was left outside the door this morning." David said leaning against the table looking at the gift with a smile. Mary opened the gift, looking more upset than anything as she opened the box and paused. "What is it?" David asked. Mary didn't speak as she slowly pulled her queen crown from the box. She blinked back tears as she tried to find her voice. "I though that was lost when the curse hit." David said in surprise. "So did I." Mary said wiping her tears quickly as she picked up the note that came with the box. "Johanna." Mary said. "I didn't know she was in Storybrooke." David said. "Me neither...wait, get the book of people Azalea has found since the curse broke." David quickly found the small notebook that Azalea had been using to keep record of who she had and hadn't found in Storybrooke after the curse broke. "Here she is, she found Johanna while you and Emma were gone. She probably meant to tell you herself." David though to himself out loud as Mary gathered her things. "I-I have to go see her." Mary said.  "I understand, but I just wish this day could make you happy." David said as he helped her get her jacket on. "I know...but we both know that it can't." Mary said before leaving. David sighed as he went to eat breakfast by himself before going into work.

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-Azalea's Pov (and outfit^^^) -

"David, are you in here?" Azalea called as she entered the sheriffs office. She had been sent by Grumpy and Doc, the two dwarfs insisting that she needed to take a lunch break. But the teen though that she could go over the guard shifts at the magic bean garden with David while she ate. "Where are you?" She asked herself as she went to check his office, only to see him laying on the ground unconscious. "David!" She said surprised as she ran over and shook his shoulders, but he didn't wake up. She looked over him and saw that there was a cut on his head, it looked like someone had hit him. "Crap." She said under her breath as she dug in her bag till she found the tearing roots she kept with her, she put them under David's nose and broke them apart covering her nose with her shirt. A few silent seconds passed before David coughed and pulled away from the plant. "...what is that terrible smell?" He asked slowly sitting up. "Sorry, you wouldn't wake up...what happened?!" Azalea asked throwing the roots away before pulling David into a seat. The man was weak on his feet, but quickly recovering. "Hook happened." He said just as Mary ran into the sheriffs office calling his name. "Oh no, what happened to you?!  Are you alright?!" Mary asked running over to him. "I'm fine, Hook just hit me while I wasn't looking. It would be worse if he was after me...but we all know he is after Mr.Gold." David said as Azalea looked around his office, Hook had to have wanted something from the office if he had knocked David out. "And his hook." She said looking at the empty drawer where David had hidden the captains hook. "Yea, I'm going to enjoy throwing his ass in jail." David said as Azalea walked over to him and started checking out his injury. "Hook isn't the problem David." Mary said. "Tell that to my head." David said as Azalea started putting some kind of healing herb onto it. "It's Regina...she's been lying to us." Mary said. "She's working with Cora to find Mr.Golds Dagger." The teen put a band-aid over David's cut to protect it while her herbs healed him. "The Dagger controls him." Azalea said. "If Cora gets it she can force him and all his power to do her bidding." David said. "Or...become the dark one herself." Mary said as Azalea finished, letting David stand on his own feet, the herbs already working to take some of the pain away. "Neither one of those options sound good. Lucky for us we can call the Dark One himself, he is with Emma." David said pulling out his cell phone. "I already tried it went straight to voicemail." Mary said. "Well we have to do something." Azalea said. "No, we can't go up against Cora she is to powerful. We have to buy time until Emma and Gold get back or call us." Mary said. "How do you suppose we do that?" David asked. "We find the Dagger first." Mary said. "Can you use a locator spell to find the Dagger?" David asked Azalea. "Not with my magic alone, and if I know Mr.Gold he would have hidden it well and put layers of magic over it to keep it hidden." The teen said, "But I know someone who can help me, with her help we may be in luck."

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