Season 2: Episode 5: The Doctor

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(Azalea's outfit^^^)

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(Azalea's outfit^^^)

-Storybrooke, Dr.Hopper's office-

"I really appreciate that you still come by, I know it can be hard to open up. Especially with everything that is going on." Dr.Hopper said as he and Azalea finished another session. "You must keep yourself busy now with everyone coming in." Azalea said as she got all her stuff together. "Oh yes, It's a bit of culture shock for all of us being in this world, but I think things are going rather smoothly considering the circumstances, as are our sessions. Just remember what I said earlier. Don't put everything on your shoulders. We care and we want to help you and David anyway we can." Dr.Hopper said. Azalea opened the door. She jumped back and grabbed onto Dr.Hopper who was standing behind her. "Azalea, what's wrong?" He asked looking up from the panicked girls face to see Regina standing at the other side of the door. "Oh," He said. "Are you here to see me?" He asked Regina, pulling the teenager behind him. "I've been trying to keep my promise to Henry, but it's been difficult." Regina said looking up from the teenager hiding behind Dr.Hopper. "To not use magic?" Dr.Hopper asked. "It's been two days." Regina admitted. "That's an excellent start." Dr.Hopper said with a smile. "Here Azalea, you can go now." He said stepping aside. Regina also stepped out of the door way, her hands behind her back. Azalea looked confused, and a bit frightened. But she straightened the flowers in her hair before she jumped through the doorway like a scared kitten past Regina. She gave Dr.Hopper a short wave goodbye before exiting the hallway as quickly as possible. Dr.Hopper then gestured to Regina to enter. "Come on in."


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(Azalea's outfit^^^)

-The Next Day-

David parked his truck next to the horses stable. "Hop out," He said opening his door. Azalea opened the other and hopped out, Henry followed her and they both walked up behind David as he entered the barn Henry stifled a yawn as they walked through the stable. "Oh come on Henry, this isn't school it's supposed to be fun!" David said with a grin. "Yea, I just couldn't sleep last night." Henry admitted. "Hey, I miss Mary and Emma too. But imagine how happy they will be when they get back and see that you-" David paused as he opened a stable door to reveal a horse. "have learned how to ride a horse!" He said. Azalea smiled and walked up to one of the horses, petting it's ears down as the horse stood perfectly still for her. "Say hi to your steed." David said with a smile as Henry failed to contain his excitement. "Is he mine?!" He asked walking up beside Azalea. "That one belongs to me, the one beside this one is yours." David said, guiding Henry to the horse next to his. The two boys talked about training Henry to ride his own horse as Azalea pulled a few apple seeds from her bag, they glowed in the palm of her hand till they grew into ripe red apples. She fed David's horse one of the apples with a smile, kissing the horses head. Then went to the stall where Henry and David were looking over Henry's horse. "Azalea knows how to care for the horses well. She will help you make a bond with your horse." David said as she handed Henry an apple to feed to the horse. "And when will that be?" Henry asked. "When the horse tells you." Azalea said, petting Henry's horse. "I'm going to check on the dwarfs. I'll come get you two later." David said before kissing both of them on the forehead then leaving them to the horses. "So," Henry said turning to the horse. "Anything you want to tell me?" Henry asked. The horse nickered and shook his head and the two laughed before getting to work. Azalea knew that David was trying to distract her and Henry while he looked for a way to find Mary and Emma. She was thankful that he cared so much, but she also wanted to help any way she could. She turned to the horse and smiled as Henry started talking to it. Remembering that Mary would talk to her horses the same way...

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