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We get a cab which takes us back to my old house. When Cameron sees it he gasps.

"I can't believed you lived in that house." I laugh a little.

"Yeah well you should see what's inside." I pay the driver and we get out.

"So what's the plant?" He asks. I check the time. Lydia is usually doing something around about now so the kids will be home alone. I look up at the windows and notice Milly's pink butterfly curtains.

"We're gonna climb up to that window and we'll see what happens there." He nods and we get to it. This was like a mission for me but yet a simple task for Cameron. Obviously, he's been in the army.

"Here grab my hand." He says at the top. I reach up to grab his hand but my foot slips. I thought something really bad would happen but it didn't. A strong grip was held around my wrist.

"Oh my god thank you." I say with relief. He smiles.

"It's okay I've got you." He opens the window and climbs in. He helps me up and I start packing Milly's stuff. I packed everything of hers.

"Okay I've got everything." He nods and we walk out the door. We had to be careful though just in case Lydia was still home. We walked all around the house but couldn't find anyone. Maybe no one was home?

I thought that until I heard screaming coming from down in the basement. I started panicking and ran down there.

"MILLY!?" I scream. Nothing. Cameron runs after me. I hear another scream and I walk and find a white door. I go inside and see the most terrible sight.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Lydia shouts. Milly is strapped to a wheel thing and is getting knives thrown at her. One sticking out of her arm. Lydia takes a sip out of her bottle and then throws it at Milly. I stick my phone on record and move Cameron out the way.

"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU MONSTER!" I shout. She looks straight at me and smirks.

"Well look who decided to show up to the party. Did you miss me bitch?" She walks up and slaps me.

"Don't touch me!" She pushes me to the ground and starts kicking me. Cameron rushes over and pulls her off me.

"Who the fuck are you pretty boy!?" I can tell he wants to hurt her but I shake my head.

"Don't talk to me." He sits her in a chair and holds her there. I go up to Milly.

"Lia help it hurts." I unstrap her from the wheel and pick her up and put her on my waist. She cries and I take the knife out and bandage it up.

"Cameron let's go. Oh and Lydia I'm calling the police!" She starts laughing.

"I can't go to jail. I've got three brats to 'look after' and you can't make me." I turn the recording off and punch her straight in the face. She blacks out and I call the police. They start to come and we go to the hospital to take care of Milly.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now