Forty Five.

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I've spent every single day with Cameron, Sierra and Gina. We don't want to be separated at the moment. This is going to be another hard moment in my life when he goes.

Two days left with my husband. Maybe after that I won't ever see him again. Maybe he won't ever come home.

"Baby stop thinking about it." I snap out of my thoughts.

"It's hard not to." I mumble. He puts his finger and thumb under my chin and points it towards him.

"I will come back. Don't worry. I wouldn't ever leave you." He kisses my forehead and goes and helps Gina with something.

"Hey sis." Sierra says. I'm so happy that she's my sister in law cause she's actually like my real sister.

"Hey." I smile at her.

"Okay what's wrong."

"Why does he have to go?" She sits next to me.

"I know it's going to be hard when he goes Lia. I'll be here for you and so will Gina. You're apart of this family now and we'll take care of you and help you through anything."

"I know and that's all I've ever wanted in a family." She smiles.

"You know when Cameron came home the day after he stayed with you and Milly, he couldn't stop talking about this amazing girl names Lia. It was always Lia this and Lia that. You were all that was on his mind. I thing else, only you. You were his prize that he was going to get and he got that and I got an amazing sister out of it. But seriously, he couldn't stop talking about you. He'd come here every day with something new and fascinating about you Lia. It was kind of funny actually." I laugh a little.

"To be honest he was always on my mind as well. When we first met, the first thing he gave me was a bread roll. It's the funniest story but he was so sweet to give it to me."

"He told us that he felt sorry for you. What actually happened?" I sigh and tell her everything about my foster mom and Milly and meeting Cameron even though she's probably heard it a million times.

"And that brings us to the present. I'm 3 months pregnant with an amazing husband a way better life and an amazing mom and sister in law." She hugs me.

"I never knew that's what you went through. I'm so sorry." I hug her back and Cameron and Gina come in.

"There's some food ready." Gina says. We nod and go to the table. Cameron takes my hand on the way.

I love him so much.

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