Twenty Four.

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(Not twenty three, twenty four)

I got called in for an emergency wedding photoshoot so I had to say goodbye to The Dallas family.

"Babe can you take care of Milly for a few hours, I've got to go into work."

"Sure. What time will you be back? I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight." I kiss his cheek.

"I'm sure I'll be off work before you can take me to dinner. I love you." I kiss his lips.

"I love you to baby." He picks up Milly and I kiss her cheek. I run to the door where Sierra and Gina were.

"Thank you so much for having me here Gina. It was so nice of you."

"It's okay honey. You can come around more often. You've changed Cameron, he's different now that your around." I smile.

"And also I think that our gonna be the best sites in law ever so you better come back." Sierra hugs me.

"I love being here, I feel so welcomed." Gina laughs and pushes Sierra out the way so she can hug me.

"Okay well let you get to work now. Bye Aaliyah, we'll see you soon!" I wave to them as I run into Luke's car.

"Hey boss wassup?" I put my seatbelt on as he drives.

"We need to stop by my place so I can get clothes okay." He looks over at what I'm wearing.

"What happened to your clothes Lia?"

"I slept over at Cameron's moms house and I forgot a change of clothes so is stole some of Cam's. Boys clothes are actually way comfier than girls clothes." We laugh and pull into my driveway. I run inside and quickly change into my usual work outfit and run back out to Luke's car.

"That's better."

"Okay so where are we actually going?" He laughs.

"You'll see." We keep driving and I get more and more suspicious. I know it's a wedding but if he didn't tell me the clients name then it's obviously someone I know.

We pull up into a long driveway which connects to a beautiful small church. There were decorations everywhere and it looked so cute. As the car stopped I got the equipment and walked out.

"Ah you must be Aaliyah Highland. The photographer?" A guy with a very strong English accent walked up to me.

"Yes hello."

"Mr Styles is waiting for you." I just looked at him then Luke who was behind him. He was trying to hold in his laughter.

"May I ask who my client is? I never got told who they were." The guys gives me an odd look. He opens a door which reveals the most amazing people on earth basically. "HOLY SHIZ NUGGETS!" I scream. Luke bursts out laughing and the guys look at me.

"May we help you?" Loui asks.

"George I thought we told you no fans!" Niall says. 'George' steps up.

"This is Aaliyah Highland, the professional photographer you hired for your wedding Mr Styles." He walks away and Luke follows him. I'm left alone with One Direction.

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