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"Hey Milly how are you feeling?" She touches her arm.

"I've got a booboo." She starts sniffling. I kiss her forehead.

"I know baby I know. But do you know something better?" She sits up and shakes her head. "You're coming to live with me." Her face brightens up and I hug her. "I told you I would go back for you and I did didn't I?"

"Yes Lia. I love you." She hugs me so tight.

"I love you to Milly." She splits us apart and yawns.

"I'm tired Lia. Where am I sleeping?" I carry her into the bedroom which is also my room. I change her into her little Elmo pyjamas and brush her hair.

"You can sleep in here with me okay. Look there's a TV as well if you wanna watch a show or something. I'm gonna be in the lounge room with Cameron if you need anything alright?" She nods. I kiss her head. "I'll be in soon baby. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Lia." I smile and close the door behind me. Cameron's on the couch watching the other TV.

"Hey." He says. I smile and sit beside him.

"Thank you for today. You have no idea how much that meant to me. I would do anything to keep her safe from everything that could hurt her. She means the world to me." He smiles.

"It's okay. Like I said, I love to help people and it makes me even happier when they're happy." We smile at each other.

"So are you busy tomorrow?" I say. He thinks.

"No I'm free. Why?" He laughs a little at the end.

"Wanna go catch a movie with me and Milly?"

"Sure. I'd love to spend more time with you guys." I smile.

"Well I'm gonna go to bed now, I've had a long day." He nods and turns the TV off. "Um, you can stay here if you want. It's pretty late and I don't want you walking home in the dark. I can just get you a spear blanket." He smiles.

"Um sure."

"I think this is a foldout couch. I'll go and get you some pillows and a blanket." I walk into the room to see Milly crying.

"Baby what's wrong?" I rush over to the bed.

"Mommy is going to come and hurt me again isn't she. She's going to run here and get me." I hold her.

"No baby she won't hurt you. I won't let her." She cries.

"Can Cammy sleep in here with us?" I pull a strand of hair out of her face.

"Sure baby, I'll go and get him now." She nods and lies back down. I sigh and walk out of the room.

"Where's the blankets and stuff?" He says confused. I laugh a little nervous.

"Uh yeah there's been a slight change in plans. Milly's scared Lydia's going to come and get her so she wants both of us to sleep with her so she feels safer. If that's okay with you." He laughs.

"Anything to protect her." I smile. I lock all the windows and the door and go into the room. Cameron's sitting on the bed telling a story to Milly. I go into the attached bathroom and change into a pair of short boxers and an over sized sweater. I walk back out and see Cameron making himself a bed on the floor. I shrug. I take a place next to Milly.

"Where's Cammy?" She says. That's cute how she says Cammy.

"He's on the floor baby."

"He has to be up here not down there." She whines.

"Cameron. You have to come up on the bed." I can hear him laugh a little.

"Wouldn't that be weird though?"

"Don't worry. Just come on and I don't want you sleeping on the floor either. " I hear a sigh and then feel the bed dip and a warm body next to me. I hold Milly in my arms and kiss her forehead.

"Night baby."

"Night Lia." She holds my arms like a teddy bear which is cute. I lay my head on the pillow and slowly go to sleep. Before I could fully fall into a deep sleep I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me closer to Cameron. I snuggled into his chest and felt his warm breath on my neck.

"Goodnight Aaliyah." I smile.

"Night Cameron."

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now