Thirty Four.

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I was right. I haven't eaten in three days, I haven't talked to anyone in three days, I haven't done anything but cry for three days. This is what happens when someone close to you goes I guess.

"Lia okay come one it's been a few days now and there's something important you need to know." It was Maria. I don't say anything. I hear her grunt and she bursts open the door. "Oh my god it stinks in here!" She blocks her nose and makes her way to my window and opens it. She opens up the blinds and I hide under my blankets. "Look I know you wanted your space and all but you need to do something. You don't have to be happy but I would like you to get out of this stinky ass room and do something." She pulls the blankets away from me.

"I'm a mess." I sit up and wipe my face.

"Yeah you are." I make a face at her and she puts her hands up. "So Cameron wants to take you on a date tonight so you should start getting ready." I take my hair out of its 3 day old bun and brush it.

"And where would we be going?" She shrugs but hands me a bag.

"Okay go and have a shower, use your peppermint body wash, wash your hair, do your legs, but don't do anything else other than that okay! I'm doing your make up and styling our hair." I nod and walk into the bathroom. I run the hot water and do everything I needed to do. I smelt nice. Way fresher  than before. I finish up and dry off. I look in the bag Maria gave me and smile. It was a simple yet cute outfit. I change into the clothes and shoes then walk out to see Maria had cleaned my whole entire room, made it smell like flowers and it looks way better.

"I'm finished and I feel way more refreshed." I say. She nods and pulls out a chair.

"Sit." I sit down quickly and she gets this giant kit. "It's time for a little make over." I take a gulp and stay silent.

She plucked my eyebrows, made my lips feel soft, make my skin look like new and made my hair smell even better and feel soft. She's magical.

"And now you're all ready for you Cameron date." I laugh and stand up.

"You're such a great best friend. Wait no, you're more like my sister."

"Not by blood but by heart." She hugs me. "Now you got to go down to your date." She pushes me out of my room and runs down the steps.

"What are you-"

"Introducing, the new and improved.... AALIYAH HIGHLAND!" She shouts my name. I facepalm and walk down the stairs. There's an applaud and then I see Cameron. He's got a massive smile on his face. "Okay now you two go off and shoo and we'll be gone when you get back." Maria basically kicks us out of my house.

"Hey baby, you look great tonight." I check him out. What? I'm allowed to.

"And you look very handsome tonight." I kiss his cheek and run out to the car.

"So are you ready for this?"

"Where are we going?"

"You will see." He starts the car and we drive down dozens of streets before coming to a stop.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now