Twnety Six.

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"Aw look at the cute couple." I hear.

"They've been like this forever! The remote for the TV is under Cammy and I can't get it!" I heard Milly's voice.

"Well I think that they're cute. Come on let's wake them up." Why is there a random strangers voice in my house? Someone shakes me. I groan and open my eyes.

"NASH!" I squeal and hug him.

"Haha hey Lia." I think I woke Cameron up.

"What's going on. It's to early for screaming Lia." He opens his eyes and smiles. "Hey bro." He stands up and does that bro hug thing with Nash. A guy stands behind him.

"Oh yeah Cam I brought Matthew." Cam's eyes go wide.

"MATT I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER MAN!" He basically tackles this guy Matthew and Milly starts laughing. Cam gets off Matt and they laugh.

"I've missed you to Cameron."

"Oh Lia this is Matthew Espinosa, he was one of my back up men but retired a couple years back to be with his girl Maria."

"Hey Matt it's nice to meet you." He hugs me which took me by surprise.

"It's nice to finally meet you to Lia. Nash here has been telling me all about you on the plane ride from Virginia." I laugh. We all go into the kitchen and I make breakfast for everyone. "Could you make a serving for two more people please? Maria is coming in a few minutes." I nod. We were talking and he seems like a very nice guy.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it.

"Hello you must be Maria."

"Yeah hey. Lia is it?" I nod and smile.

"Please come in. I've got pancakes waiting for you and Matt said someone else as well." She nods and smiles.

"Baby Lily. She's just turned 1 in the last week." She shows me a cute little baby with bright blue eyes. Not like Nash's though but more crystal like.

"She's so adorable." Milly comes running down.

"I heard adorable." She says. She is adorable.

"Hello what's your name." Maria asks.

"I'm Milly. Is that a baby!" She gets all excited. Maria nods.

"Would you like to take her to Matthew? This is Lily." She hands Milly the little baby carriage and Milly squeals.

"She's adorable. She could be cuter than me." We laugh and Maria comes in. We walk to the kitchen where Milly successfully delivered the baby to Matt without any worries.

"So I was thinking that we could all go to Disneyland today." Cameron suggests. Me and Maria look at each other and squeal.

"Well it looks like you two have made good friends already." Matt says.

"Trust me, we will be best friends by the end of the day babe." She says. I laugh and we continue eating the pancakes. We all talked and I got to know them more. Cameron was holding Lily at one point and he was so cute with her. He would always glance up to see if I was looking at him.

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