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The beach was a great day. Milly became a tomato cause she spent to much time in the sun and didn't let me put some sun cream on her. Nash did the same and Cameron just became tan. I'm jealous of his power.

After a while Milly fell a sleep so we had to go back home.

"Do you have to go?" I say to Cameron.

"My mom and Sierra want to do something with me tomorrow. I'll be back though." I kiss his cheek.

"Can Nash keep us company then? I've got to o to work and I've got no one to take care of Milly."

"Yeah sure. I'll get him to come around later." He kisses my forehead and hugs me.

"Is that all I get? One lousy smooch on the head." He laughs. I bends down and kisses all over my face.

"Is that better?" I shake my head and do it myself. I grab his face and kiss his lips. He can't leave me again, not like how he did before. That was the worst thing ever.

"Bye babe I love you." I say as he leaves.

"I love you to." Oh how those four words can change everything in a conversation.

Nash came over and I rushed to work. Luke was struggling to run the company for a day.

"Let me handle this now Luke." He laughs and walks away. I print out the photos and package them to send to the captain of the army. I talk to him over the phone and had to meet him in a specific place.

"Hey do you want me to go with you? Just so your not a lone." Luke says nervously. I always thought he had a crush on me cause he's always trying to be around me even though he's like my co owner of the business.

"Um sure. I'm just going to meet the captain to give him the photos." He nods. I walk out and get into the car. I blast the radio and start singing. Luke's heard me sing before so he didn't care.

We got to the place and I started to et nervous. This part of town didn't look very friendly. There were beer bottles everywhere, smashed glass on the roads, the air smelt like smoke and the walls were covered in graffiti. What was the captain doing here?

"I don't like this Lia. Maybe we should go back and just send them through post."

"No he told me he wanted them handed by me so I'm going to do that." He just nods and follows me. I can hear people talking and footsteps everywhere. I walk up the steps to the building I'm suppose to be in and knock of the door.

"Ah you must be Lia the photographer." A tall man opens the door with a cigarette in his mouth, beer in hand and a black bandana on his head.

"Yeah and these are for the captain." He shakes his head.

"You're here for Dean not the captain." I look at him confused. He grabs my arm and drags me inside.

"What do you think you're doing? Get your hands off me."

"No can do sweetheart. Now stay still and be a good girl." I roll my eyes at how he's treating me. We go into a room and I see more people like this guys who's dragging me.

"Thank you Tyson for this lovely surprise. How are you Lia?" I look closely at the person. They've got an eye patch, dark skin and they look very strong.

"Sorry who are you?" I say. He smirks. He stands up and walks towards me.

"I'm a friend of your 'mom's' and she promised me something of hers. Do you know what that was?"

"Well I'm guessing that it was me."


"Well you can't have me cause I'm already owned to someone!" He looks at me surprised.

"Who's that? Who would want you besides me."

"Her boyfriend." We all turn to the person who said that.


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