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Who was this guy, seriously? Why was he with Milly?

"Miss Highland, how do you feel?" I look at this guy carefully. He's wearing a big white coat and has a clipboard to his side.

"Um I feel fine, where am I?" I sit up a little and my head starts pounding.

"Your at the hospital in Los Angelus. You got hit very hard in the head and were unconscious for almost 4 hours. We need to run a few tests first to see when you can leave alright?" I nod and look at his name tag.

"Thank you Dr. John." He smiles and nods at me. As he walks out the door Milly jumps onto the hospital bed next to me.

"I missed you." She mumbled into my chest. I smiled and held her. I would never want to leave her.

"I missed you to baby." I kiss her forehead and she gets off me. The guy comes up to me and kisses my forehead and then all over my face.

"I thought you were gone. I thought you left me baby." He kisses my lips and I'm so confused. Who is he? I push him off me and gives me a weird look.

"Sorry but I don't know who you are. Why are you kissing me?" I tried to say as nice as possible. He now has a hurt look on his face and also Milly is looking at me weirdly.

"Lia that's Cammy. He's your boyfriend and then you guys are gonna get married and be the King and queen of the castle!" Milly exclaims. This guy 'Cammy' laughs and I can see a small tear fall down his cheek. Is he crying because of me?

The doctor comes back inside and brings a nurse with him.

"Okay, Aaliyah, what is the last thing that you remember?" I close my eyes for a second and try to think of something.

"I remember my foster mom yelling at me and telling me to get a job. Then I packed a bag and left with Milly." The Cammy guy shakes his head.

"That's only partially right. How do you not remember!? You need to remember!?" He yells at me. Bitch, I don't even know you.

"Sir you need to calm down! Aaliyah it looks like you have memory loss. Sir could I speak to you outside please?" 'Cammy' gives me a sad look and walks out. The nurse does a couple tests on me while Milly plays with one of the doctors tools. The guy and the doctor come back in and Cammy looks pissed.

"Miss Highland, you are able to leave now. You will need to take this medication twice a day for 2 weeks and then come back in another 2 weeks okay?" I nod. "Okay I'll let you get changed and stuff." They walk out and Cammy hands me clothes. He takes Milly's hand and they go outside. Should I be worried that this guy who's supposedly my boyfriend is taking Milly?

I shake it off and go and get changed. As soon as I'm done I walk out and Milly hugs me.

"Lia what happened to you?"

"I don't know baby. I don't know." She holds on to me and Cammy walks hot to me.

"Do you remember anything yet?" He says in a deep, scary voice. Not as sweet and kind as his normal voice.

"Uh no. May I ask what your name is?" He shakes his head a little disappointed. I could tell.

"Cameron." He mumbles.  I nod. "So let's get you home now."

"I have my own home?" He nods and I get all excited.

"You've got a lot to catch up on Aaliyah." I smile a little at him. He holds my hand and I feel a little spark which is a very interesting feeling. He leads me and Milly outside and I'm guessing he's taking us to my house now.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now