Thirty Five.

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"NOW IVE GOT MASHED POTATOES ALL OVER ME!" I say and laugh at the end. We've been throwing food at each other for the past 10 minutes. Don't ask why.

"I'm sorry but you shouldn't have thrown a perfectly good bread roll at me. I mean, I could've so eaten that like really Lia?" I laugh and throw some peas at him. He picks up a handful of mashed potatoes again.

"No Cameron please don't! Come on you love me."

"I do love you Lia, very much, but don't throw a bread roll at me." I crawl under the table and squeal a bit. He does the same thing and wipes the potatoes all over my face.

"Oh wow Cameron, very mature." I lick some of the potatoes and he laughs. We sit back up on the table.

"I shouldn't have said you wasted a bread roll when I wasted all of that good mashed potatoes." I laugh and grab his face and kiss him but also run all the potatoes over him.

"Um excuse me, but would you guys like some dessert?" We pull apart and look at the waitress.

"Um yes please. Two large chocolate sundaes with strawberries." Cameron says. She nods and takes our plates away. I wipe my face so it's free of potatoes and Cameron does the same thing.

"That was fun." I say.

"Yeah. Um Lia, there's something very important I need to tell you." I nod.

"What is it Cameron?" He takes a deep breath.

"This wasn't really my decision but I got-"

"Here's your sundaes. Just go to the front desk and pay for the bill when you guys are done. Enjoy." She placed the bill down and I take my sundae. This is heaven.

"What were you saying Cameron?" I look at him.

"I want to get married as soon as possible." He smiles brightly at me. I laugh.

"Like how soon?" I say unsure.

"Within this next month. Maria, Nash and Matt will help us plan the whole thing. I don't care how much it would cost, I just want to be with you know and forever." He grabs my hand.

"Of course Cameron. Well start planning soon then." He smiles even wider. He sits back in spot. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom okay." He nods and eats his ice cream. I walk to the bathroom and do my business.

I walk back to see Cameron unaware of where I am. I walk up behind him and push his face into the ice cream. I sit in my seat dying of laughter.

"Wow Lia." He laughs.

"You're going to be with me for a very long time so you should get used to it babe." I laugh.

"And you're going to have to get used to this." He grabs my fave and kisses me. He did what I did and rubs the ice cream all over my face. We're going to be the best couple when we're married.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now