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He walks over to us and moves this guy 'Dean' away from me.

"I'm her boyfriend. She's mine not yours." He punches the guys in the face and Luke comes running in and straight towards me.

"Come on we've got to get out of here!" He says.

"What about Cameron, I can't just leave him here." I say a little.


"Please Luke you need to help him. How did he even know where we were?" He gives me a guilty look.

"I told him that this place looked indecent and where the building was and that the guy dragged you in. He came as quick as he could and came just in time." I roll my eyes.

"I can't do anything by myself can I?" He shakes his head. I hear glass shatter and I turn to see the two guys rolling around in a pile of glass, throwing punches and strangling each other. I had to do something.

"Lia what are you doing?" I slip out of Luke's grip and was toward the rumblers.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF MY BOYFRIEND YOU DICK FACE!" I shout at Dean. I seriously hate this guy.

"Fuck off you little bitch! Go play with your friend over there." I take that as an offence. I jump on top of him and manage to loosen his grip on Cam. I roll him over and punch him straight in the jaw.

"That's for calling me a bitch!" I punch him in the eye. "That's for saying I'm yours." I punch his nose. "That's for strangling my boyfriend!" His nose begins to bleed and I laugh.

"You're a fucking bitch!" He head butts me and everything goes blank.


I hear slight beeping and small chatter. I try to open my eyes but I can't. I try to speak but I can't. I try to move but it's like it's an impossible force. What's happening?

"She may have memory loss when she wakes up so don't be alarmed." I hear a deep voice say.

"Okay thank you Doctor." A sweet mans voice says.

"Cammy when will Lia wake up?" Milly. MILLY! She's okay my sweetie is okay. That's a good thing. Wait where am I?

I manage to move my pinkie finger a bit and hopefully someone saw that cause I don't know if I could do it again.

"SHES AWAKE! Baby can you hear me!?" Okay why is this guy calling me baby. Is he my dad? Wait I don't have a dad. I open my eyes slowly and see 2 unfamiliar faces and Milly.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now