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His warm breath was still on my neck and his strong arms were still strapped around my waist. I smiled as I opened my eyes to this brand new morning. I see the small space which once occupied Milly is empty.

"Where's Milly?" I ask.

"She wanted to watch TV but she didn't want to wake you up so she went into the living room."

"How come you didn't go with her?" I turn to him.

"Cause I wanted to be in here with you." I smile at him. We just stare at each other for a moment. "I also wanted to do something which I've been wanting to do since I first laid eyes on you."

"And what's that?" He smirks.

"This." He leans in and crashes his soft lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync until we pulled away to catch our breath.

"Wow." Is all I can say. I bite my lip and he looks down at me.

"Will you go out with me Aaliyah?" I sit up in the bed but he pulls me back down.

"And if I say no?"

"Then I'll have to do this." He rolls on top of me and tickles me. I squeal as he tickles me. Milly comes running in and joins the 'fun'.

"Stop Cammy." She says laughing. I roll off the bed and get changed for the day.

"Milly come on let's get you changed." She comes running into the bathroom with crazy hair which is frizzy.

"Cammy messed up my hair." I laugh and get her a change of clothes. Shorts, a little shirt with daisies on it and a pair of black vans. I brush her hair then braid it to the side.

"Hey Aaliyah can we stop at my house to get some clothes to change into?" Cameron calls. I pick up Milly and walk out to.

"Yeah come on let's go." We head out and call a cab which takes us to Cameron's house.

"Oh uh my mom and sister are here as well."

"That's okay." We walk in and Milly holds my hand.

"Cameron is that you?" A soft female voice calls.

"Yeah it's me mom." A tall woman comes into where we are. She looks like a female version of Cameron.

"Oh who is this?" She says in the most polite way possible.

"This is my girlfriend Aaliyah and her little sister Milly." She comes over and shakes my hand.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Gina." I smile at her.

"It's nice to meet you to Gina." A small husky dog runs out and attacks Milly by licking her face.

"And this is Jaax." Cam says. Milly giggles as the dog cuddles her.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Hey Milly wanna help me make cookies?" Milly manages to push the dog off her and run to the kitchen with Gina.

"Well my mom likes you." He says. I laugh.

"Since when was I your girlfriend Dallas?" He smirks and grabs my hand. He leads me up the stairs and into a room with blue walls which I'm guessing is his. He closes the door behind him and I walk to the middle of the room.

"Since now baby girl." He places me on the bed and climbs on top of me. He starts kissing my neck. I bite my lip feeling the pleasure from what he was giving me. I ran my fingers through his hair and he put his hands on my waist and played with the band.

"Stop teasing." I roll us over so I'm on top now. I brush my lips just above his and my hands roam his body.

"Now who's teasing?" I laugh and then kiss his lips. He has his hands on my waist. We continue like this until someone opens the door.

"WE MADE COOKIES!" It was Milly. "Lia are you tickling Cammy cause he was this morning?" I jump off Cameron and he starts laughing.

"Yes I was, I was just getting him back." She jumps on Cam.

"Naughty Cammy, that's why you shouldn't tickle people."

"So then I can't tickle you you little monkey." He's like her father. It's so cute.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now