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We made it to the party and we were all dancing.  Cameron had a couple of drinks and he was really funny.

"I dedicate this song to my beautiful bride, Lia. I love you babe." Everyone laughs. Bruno Mars, It Will Rain comes on.

"If you ever leave me baby. Leave some morphine at my door. Cause it will take a whole lot of medication. To realise what we used to have we don't, have it anymore. There's no religion that can save me. No matter how long my knees are on the floor." I started to cry a hit at this point. Everyone else was intrigued in the song. He was looking directly at me. "Cause there'll be no sunlight, if I lose you baby. And there'll be no clear skies, if I lose you baby. Just like the clouds my eyes will do the same. If you walk away, everyday it will rain. Everyday it will rain, rain, rain." I stand up and walk towards Cameron. He opens his arms and I hug him.

"I won't ever leave you, I promise."

"I won't ever think of leaving you either. You're to precious to leave." I smile and look up at him. He looks down at me and kisses me. Everyone 'awes' and we pull apart and smile. The song finishes after a while and we go and sit down.

"ATTENTION BRIDE AND GROOM! You can now cut the cake." Gina says. We laugh and go up to the cake. Now, we didn't know what cake to get so Gina planned this one. We got up there and it was a beautiful cake. It was three big layers and decorated amazingly. Cameron picked up the knife and I put my hand over his and cut the cake.

"Your hands are so tiny." He says.

"No your hands are just really big." We laugh and hand everyone a slice of cake. This is the best day of my life seriously.

I'm married to the person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I'm so happy right now.

My Soldier. |Cameron Dallas|Where stories live. Discover now