Prank buddy-Dinah/You

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Prank buddy-Dinah/You

I feel someone shaking my body roughly. I ignored them and rolled over to get away which led me to hit the floor board of the tour bus.

"Oh my God. I am sorry babe." I groan and stay on the floor. My back is painful so yeah its better to not move at all.

"Dinah what did I tell you about using God's name in vain." Then followed by a smack.

"Ow Ally." I slowly get up to rub my girlfriend's now red arm.

" I told you to not piss her of babe now say sorry." Dinah pouted and I kiss her forehead.

"Why are you on her side?" She mumbled near my neck.

"Cause she didnt wake me up roughly." I playfully push her of me so that I can shower.

"Babeeee" I giggled at my girlfriend's silly antics then walk to the shower.

After showering I went to the bunks to change then went to the living room just to see Dinah taking pictures. I quickly joined then kiss her cheek.

"Where is everyone?" She laid down comfortably on my chest.

"Well camren bought food and normally will go to the groceries."
I nodded at this then thought of a great idea.

"Well babe since everyone is gone and all lets have some fun." I think Dinah took it the wrong way since she quickly attach her lips to my neck and nibbles.

"Oh yeah what kind of fun?" She bit my sweet spot to which I moan.

"N-not that kind babe. I was thinking of pranking but making love is okay to." Dinah smiled widely then pulled me to our bunk. She grabbed the materials then smirked.

"Lets get this prank started."

After adding hair color to their shampoos, put itchy powder in their underwears, trip wire, a pail of syrup and feathers are placed we quickly set up the cameras and lock ourselves in the back room. Well we bought food for dinner in case they are still mad at us by that time then we cuddled while waiting for the girls.

2 hours later

Foot steps and loud voices can be heard then soon followed by screams and running then a bunch of screams again. Now they are banging the door of the back room.



"I WILL SPRAY HOLY WATER ON Y'ALL IF YOU ARE DOING THE NASTIES THERE." Ally said while rattling the door knob... But one is missing.

" If you dont come out this instant I will burn Dinah's collection of Beyonce and I will burn your precious video games Y/n." Before Dinah could stop me I unlock the room to see the 4 with red and green hair while trying not to scratch themselves down there.

"Oh you guys are so dead." Camila stated while gritting her teeth and she suddenly pounce on me then she tickled me.

"P-please staaph hahaha Camii." I am so ticklish that I could easily wet my pants.. Speaking of i could feel it.

"Camii stoop i am gonna peeee."
She finally stop when she saw the slight wet spot on my pants. She started saying sorry with a red face while I quickly took new pants and underwear then headed to the comfort room to relieve myself.

Once I came out I saw Dinah hugging her Beyonce collection while rocking back and forth.

"Babe what did they do to you?" Dinah look at me with wide eyes then shook her head.

"You dont want to know. Now I remember why I didnt prank the girls in so long." I pull her into my conforting embrace.

"Same babe same."


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