First kiss- Ally/You

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"Y/n when are you going to do it? She already told you she is ready." I groaned for the hundredth time today when, Lauren my best friend, reminded me.

"I know Lern. But the thing is I don't know when and where I could do it. It needs perfect timing." Lauren rolled her eyes and huffed. She has been pressuring me for answers ever since I told her I about my dream.

"The thing is it won't matter anyway. All Allycat wanted is to have her first kiss with you. It doesn't matter if you guys did it in the bathroom or in the most expensive restaurant. All she cares about is that you will have her first. Just think about it, okay?" I nodded and tried to focus. The bell rings signalling lunch time.

"See you later, Y/n." I waved bye while heading towards my girlfriend's locker. Ally is just standing there looking naturally beautiful. I dont know what happened but there was this sudden confidence urging me to kiss her but i held it back feeling self conscious again.

"Hey babe. Ready for lunch?" Ally asked while intertwining our hands together.

"Y-yeah sure lets go." The whole time I've been contemplating if i should do it or not. I guess Ally noticed I'm over thinking.

"Hey Y/n are you okay? You look pale." I quickly nodded and kiss her hand reassuring her everything is okay.

"No you're not okay. What is bothering you?" Ally look worried and I don't like her worrying so here goes nothing.

"I-i really want to kiss you." Silence. I am not sure if I said the wrong thing and pressured her. I was about to apologize and take everything back when she gave me a nervous smile.

"I would love to but there are many people around." I felt a bit rejected but relieved that I am not the only one who has this urge. Lunch time passed and a few subjects as well and I still haven't made a move. Lauren and Dinah are making fun of me for being weak and not kissing her.

Dismissal came and I ask Ally to come with me to the grade school building where no one passes by. We talk about everything and anything that came to our mind and I cant help but stare at her features while she talks about something she loves or when she blushes when she told me about her embarrassing moments. Every now and then her pink tongue would wet her dry lips and my eyes would follow the action and linger on her lips a bit longer than usual. I think she notice me watching cause she stop talking. You could actually feel the tension in the air and its kind of suffocating me. The more I look I could feel a magnetic pull between us. Her lips look so tempting and its begging to be kissed.

I could feel myself moving closer but i stop when our faces are centimetres apart. Waiting and watching if she would move away but when I look up I saw that her eyes are close and her breath sped up a little bit making me feel her breath on my lips. I rest my forehead onto hers and I was about to close the pesky gap but a loud clang stop me and we both look at each other and laugh. I look at her lovingly and slowly leaned in again. Surprisingly she met me half way. Once our lips touch, my breath hitch at how soft her lips are. I cant explain how it feels but I know that this wont be the last and her taste is my new addiction.It was just a few seconds until i slowly move away giving us time to process what happened.

"Woah." Ally breathed out. I admire her flush cheeks her wide eyes filled with an emotion I didnt recognize but by the way she smiles it looks like she was remembering each and every detail of our kiss the same way I was.

"Woah is true." We both fell speechless looking at each other with a bashful smile. The comfortable silence was interrupted by Lauren who cough to get their attention.

"Aye Dinah pay me ten bucks. Y/n actually did it today." Dinah cursed and gave Lauren the crumpled bills.

"Okay see you later love birds. Come on Dinah you still need to treat me my burger." Dinah groan but wave goodbye to the two. Once they leave I stood up and held out my hand for Ally to take.

"Come on I'll take you  home." Ally took my hand and I peck her lips feeling giddy that I could do it whenever I want to.

"I love you Allycat." I peck her cheek. Ally blushed at the given affection.

"I love you too. Now come on its getting dark outside.

Inspired by a true story ( guess who got their first kiiiss) sorry for the sudden hiatus. Here is an update that is long overdue.

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