Soulmate -Lauren/You

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Soulmate -Lauren/You


Softball practice today was the worst. Coach Lovato made us do catching, pitching and conditioning all in one day. The worst part is that Arianna accidentally hit my wrist. She cant even stop saying sorry when she brought me to the nurse and she notice that I kinda sprained it. My best friend Normani blow her top. Let's just say Arianna wont be going near me any time soon.

"You will not train until that wrist is healed and that is an order." Coach Lovato said sternly. After the nurse notice the discolor of my wrist and my upper arm, she immediately  wrap my arm with cloth and a stick so that I wouldn't move it. Lastly she put my arm in an arm sling.

"Don't remove it from the sling. Unless you have to take a bath or shower."I nodded then she smiled at Coach to which she blushed.

"Oohh get some." Coach smack my head and I just laugh.

"I told the councilor that you will need a room mate to help you with that." I just nodded since I have nothing to do. Coach Lovato patted my back then she help me bring my stuff going to my dorm.

"Thanks coach."

"Any time Lauren. We are like family."  Once she left I kick my bag towards my room. I struggled to open the door with my keys then walk in to see a new bed with a girl trying to fix her things on the newly made book shelves.

"Hey you must be my room mate. Welcome to my humble abode. Well ours now. And the name is Lauren just so you know." She gave me a cute smile then continued unpacking. I put my stuff on the desk then got some shirt and shorts. I was about to remove my jersey but my arm was still stuck on the sling. I was about to yank my arm out of the sling but I felt soft hands help me.

"There all done. Oh I am Y/n and if you need anything just call me. This is why I am here. To help you and all." She smiled again and I smiled back. I remembered that I am like half naked in front of her so I got my towel and head to the cr.

Y/n and I had dinner with Normani. Both of the girls instantly click like they were friends from the start. It's nice to have a new person around. Right now I am laying down on my bed listening to Y/n's soft snores. It sounds so relaxing that I felt myself drift to a dreamless state.


Waking up feels like hell. I feel like I was trampled by elephants and my arm feels like it was pulled out and put back in. I groaned in pain and struggled to sit but my body failed to follow any command. I guess Lauren heard me since she immediately ran to my side of the room looking worried. Once she see my arm her eyes widened then she unwrapped her injured arm.

"What the hell are you doing? Your not suppose to do that your injured." My eyes widen when I see her arm flawless and when i look at mine its like a giant alligator rip it up. She slowly wrapped the splint on my arm and she kissed my forehead.

"Try to sleep we will figure this out later in the morning." I just nodded and slowly fell back asleep.

I woke up feeling better like nothing happened to me last night. I remove the splint to still see my arm bruised but I cant feel the pain. Lauren walk in on me poking my arm since I cant feel it which cause her to shriek in fear.

"Stop doing that. You will hurt yourself."

"But I can't feel anything." I gave her an amuse look. To which she frowned in confusion. She pull my bruised arm on her lap and started stroking. Her touch sent sparks up and down my spine to which I shivered. What is wrong with me I feel like I was electrocuted or something. Lauren's eyes widen and she shivered as well. It's like she knows what is happening but dont at the same time. I wonder what is going on in her head.


Woah damn spark. When I felt Y/n shivered I cant help but shiver as well. So its like a two way effect. My pained arm cant just transfer to her unless... soulmates are real. I look into her eyes to find her looking into mine. Its like she was trying to find the answers from me. I pinch myself hard on my right arm to which she immediately rub her right arm as well.

"What the heck Lo... ow wait so if I do this." Y/n poke her rib which earned a giggle from me.

"So soulmates are real?" We both said then we giggled at the way we said the words at the same time. She smiled I smiled. Maybe getting injured wasnt bad after all.

Lol it sucks. I need ideas. Message me if you want an imagine with any of the girls and I will try my best to satisfy your imagination.

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