Saving her

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*part 3 of plan girlfriend*

"We will make this right." Normani said with voice full of determination.

"But how?" Mani smirked.

"Well lets just say we could visit the Prank Queen."


Let's just say that after spending time with Y/n. We immediately went to Dinah's house to plan our next move.

Right now we are sitting in Dinah's living room still creating a plan.

"Hmm I got it" Dinah screamed amd smirked.

"What if you break up with him and we will secretly record his actions. The video -" Dinah was cut of by an excited Camila.

"Will be connected to some computer to which it will be shown at the police station so that they could take immediate action." Everyone went speechless from there and well we stared at Camila.

"Now I know why you were called the computer nerd in our 8th grade." Ally laughs while Camila blushed and hid her face in her hands.

"Aww its okay Camz I am glad that we have an awesome computer friend we could get some help from." I hug Camz in which it ended up in a group hug.

" So when do we start the plan?" Normani asked.

"Probably as soon as possible. Hey Chancho how much time will that computer thingy be fixed?"

"Well approximately of 1-2 hours and another 2 hours to connect it to the police station. So maybe 4 hours." Camila said.

"Well then thats settled can you guys help me get Y/n back?" They all look at each other then nodded.

"But first we need her memory back and getting rid of bread." Normani shrugged then went back to her phone.

" Well getting rid of bread it is. Anyways who wants pizza?" Ally asked while dialing the pizza delivery.

"Meeee" Camila jumped and screamed like a 5 year old.

"Mila chill you might scare the pizza guy away." We all laughed at this and watched a movie while waiting for the pizza.

~1 week later~

"Camz is it ready yet?" I whispered through the phone. I am currently in one of the comfort rooms escaping Brad cause of my lady problems.

"Yup you can start now." I mentally prayed that this well end well.

I exited the comfort room to head down the parking lot behind the school where Brad was waiting for me.

"What took you so long babe?" Brad held my waist and was about to lean in but I quickly move my face so that he could peck my cheek. At this angle I could see the hidden camera the girls hid hours ago. I quickly pushed him away and stand away from him just for safety measures.

"Brad enough I'm sick of your selfish actions. I almost lost the girl I love and I'm not continuing this thing with you just cause you cant have me. Oh wait you never did ,my heart already belonged to Y/n in the first place." I should have ran when i saw his tightly clenched fist but I actually enjoyed riling him up.

"What you cant talk? Your just a coward hiding behind some big thre-" I was harshly push back to his cars hood. The impact made the air left my lungs and my back to have an aching pain. He quickly held a knife at my neck and grinned like a maniac.

"What cant speak Lauren? I've always wanted you. And when I finally do I wont let you get away that easily. Your mine get it ." He laugh like the maniac he is and push the knife a little harder to which I could feel it digging into my skin. The pain is unbearable that I just shut my eyes hoping its all a dream.

"Now keep your little mouth shut and let me have my way with you." Before he could even touch me I heard the police sirens and look up to see him distracted. I quickly push him away from me and ran towards the police. Brad tried to escape but was caught by the police.

" I'm not done with you Lauren. Watch your back. " I actually don't care anymore. I couldn't feel the pain in my neck because of the adrenaline. Everything was a blurr after that. The girls hugged me and brought me to Y/n who got mad at me because I didn't beat up the guy who tried to kill me. I was surprised how she knew but then again the girls look kinda guilty when I look at them.

"Lauri you made me so worried."
Y/n said and I was quickly pulled into one of my favorite hugs. God I called stay like this forever.

"Same." I blushed and quickly pulled away trying to cover my face.

"Aww its cute when you blush. Don't hide that kind of blessing from me bad ass Jauregui." Then she winked. She did that to me before. I guess my shock face was mirrored by the girls and Y/n looks confuse then it turned to pain.


"Ow my head." I groaned at the sudden pain getting more painful by the second. Something flash through my eyes. I am in different clothes and Lauren still looks the same and I said the words I told Lauren. Then in another flash Lauren and I are cuddling on the couch.

" You're really breath taking you know. God I love you." Thinking that she is asleep. I slowly close my eyes and was surprise to hear her say those words.

"I love you too. I hope you know that." I felt a soft peck on my lips.

Another flash and I am in the school's auditorium.

"Brad what the heck where are you taking me?" Everybody pulled me to the side to see what will happen. I look at Camila and Dinah to see that their faces look even more guilty.

"Open your eyes beautiful."Of course bread would use all my props to ask Lauren... my Lauren the girl I have been crushing on since day 1... My worst fear commence when she said those 6 painful words.

"Yes I would be your girlfriend."

I screamed. The pain its too unbearable. I blinked my eyes once or twice to see a doctor inject me. I could feel myself calm down. The last thing I saw was Lauren's tear stained face then everything went black.

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