WATCH out - Normani/You

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Ever since she was a child, Y/n has this curiosity with gears. She likes to open her toys to see how it works and try to make a new toy out of it. Her grandfather notice this kind of talent and decided to sharpen her skills. Y/n's grandfather own a watch repair shop. He taught her the basics on how a watch works and how to repair it. In little to no time, Y/n can fix watches like a pro. Once Y/n was old enough the two decided to have a tradition of their own. Y/n will visit her grandfather on breaks and help him fix watches, the most number of watches will make the loser cook dinner that night.

It was a lazy day on the shop so Y/n prayed that there would be a customer who would distract her from thus boredom. As if answering her prayer, a mysterious woman with her eyes covered in shades and her hair hidden under her cap, went in to look around. After a few minutes of looking around, the mysterious woman went towards Y/n, handing her wrist watch still dripping with water. Y/n gave a questioning gaze towards the woman before immediately working on her watch.

"I forgot to lock my watch properly around my wrist before throwing the bread towards the ducks. Good thing it was just on the shallow area, I quickly got it before it could be completely drench by the lake." Y/n hummed in understanding.

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Normani was just walking around the lake feeding the ducks. Her family wanted to visit the Y/L/N and to take her away from work. 'Family time' is what they said. She was having a splendid time enjoying the silence, the sunlight and the softwhen she heard a familiar  sound of clicks.

"Paparazzi."Normani grumbled in an annoyed tone. In a hurry, she threw the remaining bread by force, which somehow dislodge her watch from her wrist then fell in the lake. She quickly snatch the watch from under the lake, thanking the heavens it was the shallow part. Normani immediately got her cap and shades from her string bag, hastily placing it on her head and face. Normani sprinted on the run followed by 5 paparazzis. When she is a bit farther away from them, she entered the first shop she can find.

Looking around she waited for the paps to pass by the shop before examining her watch. Good thing she entered a watch repair shop. Moving towards the counter Normani handed her watch to the woman who looks like she has been staring at her for a while. The repair girl look at Normani questioningly when lake water can still be seen dripping from the watch, as if asking what happened.

"I forgot to lock my watch properly around my wrist before throwing the bread towards the ducks. Good thing it was just on the shallow area, I quickly got it before it could be completely drench by the lake." Normani explained while trying to calm down her own embarassment. The repair girl hummed in understanding.

In the few minutes of silence, Normani got to actually stare at how the girl works. The way she tinkers the watch and the way she gently handle the machine reminds her of a certain someone from her past.

'She looks like my cute, chubby bestfriend Y/n.' Normani thought to herself still in a daze.

While Normani was still in a daze, Y/n finished fixing the watch. She was about to mark the back lid of the watch when she saw a familiar marking etched on its surface.

April 16, 2000   Y/n

"Manibear" As if struck by lightning Y/n held onto the woman's arm and hug her tight.  After a few seconds of hugging, Y/n let go of Normani who still look daze from the hug.

"Do you remember me? I'm Y/n your childhood friend." When Normani heard the name Y/n she blushed even harder, confirming her belief that it is indeed her childhood friend standing right infront of her.

"O-oh I remember. You fixed my watch after we fell in the lake." Normani quickly compose herself. Y/n nodded enthusiastically.

"We wouldnt have fell down that lake if it werent for you."Normani shrugged with that cheeky grin she usually has on her face. Y/n found herself having a staring contest with Normani as if remembering that day.

"Y/n look a duckie." Little normani was sitting on the edge of the lake staring at the flock of ducks eating the bread she threw. Y/n just hummed in agreement while tinkering with her new toy. Normani huffed in annoyance when her friend isnt paying attention to her.

"Notice meee." Normani whined to which Y/n hummed again. To get Y/n's attention, Normani stole a part of Y/n's toy which finally gained her attention.

"Manibear give it back." Y/n said with annoyance in her tone. She really needed to finish upgrading her toy for it to be tested in the lake. Normani shake her head while slowly moving backwards. Y/n took a step forward earning a step back from Normani.

"Mani you will fall." Y/n worriedly said and stop so that Normani will not take another step back.

"Nice try Y/n but you will never take me alive."Normani took another step back which led her to falling in the lake. It was a good thing that they were on the shallow part of the lake however Normani had her leg stuck on a tree root. Y/n immediately dived in the lake to help her friend. Once she saw the root of the problem(geddit geddit 😬) she untangle it from Normani's leg and pull her up to shore.

"My watch is broken." Normani whined to which Y/n took it and examined the watch. She dragged Normani to her grandpa's shop and took his tools. In a few minutes, the watch is back and ticking again. Y/n marked the lid of the watch with a date and her name with a heart.

"There so you wont ever forget me."

Their staring was interrupted by her watch alarm. "Looks like my shift is over. Come lets get some food and walk around. We need to catch up." Y/n smile while interlacing her hands with Normani.

There is more where that came from.

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