Planet Green eyes Part 2

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Planet green eyes part II
since you guys ask for it 😆

"What seems to be the problem ma'am." Lauren ask with her charming smile. The girl look up and Lauren gasp. She looks like the girl in the drawing but much more beautiful in real life.

"Hi, whats your name." The other girl stood up and smile at Lauren.

"I'm Y/n, Its nice to meet you planet green eyes."

Lauren stared at Y/n. She wanted to say so much things but nothing comes out of her mouth. She looks like a fish with her mouth opening and closing. Lauren could feel her heart thud hardly in her chest. Not believing that her imaginary friend is actually real. Well Y/n did vanish into thin air when they were kids so seeing her face to face makes everything surreal. But she has a long jagged scar from the side of her head going up to her righy eyebrow. Lauren wonder what is the story behind that scar.

"Helloooo." Y/n waved her hands in front of Lauren's face. Lauren shake her head to get rid of her thoughts.

"Cat got your tongue?" Y/n playfully winks at the now blushing girl.

"Uhm uh n-no." Lauren internally cursed herself for stuttering. Y/n smile brightly at Lauren to which was equally returned.

"So what do I have to fix in your car,
Y/n?" Lauren ask trying to distract herself from the beautiful girl that is easily affecting her.

"Well my left headlight wont work and I want to repaint it. Probably the shade of green just like your eyes... but yours have different shades as if I am riding in a spaceship and I am getting suck into a green hole." Y/n said without breaking eye contact with Lauren. Lauren gulp remembering Y/n saying the same thing.

"You mean black hole?" Lauren questioned. Y/n smile then shake her head.

"Nah I think its a green hole cause your eyes are green, silly." Lauren just  nodded and giggled nervously.

"I will get started with your headlights then. You can sit there on the bench infront of your car." Lauren pointed where and she headed there since her things are there as well. Lauren is really freaked out by now. Her heart is beating extremely fast and her palms are sweating like crazy. Somehow she feels happy and giddy because of the girl right infront of her but she doesnt know why. She just met her... well she did before in a way but is she real? Or is she a figment of her imagination. She was then again interrupted from overthinkig when she felt a warm hand holding her wrist.

"So will I get to know your name or will I call you planet green eyes?" Lauren blush at Y/n smiling at her. Well she is real that is a start.

"Uh uhm the name is Lauren." If possible Y/n smiled even wider.

"That name suits a beautiful person like you." Y/n winks at Lauren then she proceeds to get something in her car before going to the bench Lauren pointed out. Lauren took deep breaths to calm herself down so that she could focus on her work.

Y/n lean her head on the side like a confuse puppy while watching Lauren. The girl infront of her is really beautiful and her eyes are just magical. Y/n put out her sketch pad then she opened to a new blank page. She started sketching letting her hands and imagination do the work while her mind wanders. Its like she had seen those eyes in her dreams before. The more she thinks about it she remembers the dreams she saw in a coma. Y/n got hit by a speeding car and her head took most of the damage. She was in a coma for almost a year. The guy who hit her didnt even know how she ended up in the middle of the road. He swore that he didnt saw anyone passing and he was passing through a forest. Out of nowhere he saw a bright flash of light then he hit something or someone. The doctors even thought she was an angel by the way she looks. The only thing she remembers is the cold breeze of the wind as if she was flying and she somehow  ended up in a treehouse where she silently watch a raven haired girl draw about constellations and trees. But after she showed herself to the girl they became the best of friends. Y/n loves listening to the young girl's made up stories about the unicorns and the dragon.

  Y/n did have a skill of a professional artist and so she used it to the best of her capabilities. Sometimes she just stares and draws her playmates eyes or the both of them together. Funny how her playmate have the same lovely eyes as Lauren and the same name too. Y/n subconciously touch her neck, where her necklace used to be. She lost it somewhere in the crash so when she woke up she immediately search for it but nurses told her that she was wearing it the whole time but it wasnt with her afterwards. It cant just vanish cant it? Y/n's hand stop after finishing the last details of her drawing. When she really looked at it her heart skipped a beat to see a younger looking Lauren staring right back at her with  a big smile her own necklace hanging onto her chest. She looks at Lauren to see that she was looking right back at her and one thing is for sure. Lauren is wearing Y/n's necklace.

"Where did you get that necklace?" Y/n ask to Lauren who looks just as confuse as Y/n. Lauren look down to see a necklace she didnt even wore when she woke up. She remembered her childhood bestfriend wearing the same one but the color seemed more lively when her friend worn it. She immediately remove it then gave it to Y/n's outstretch hand.

"I swear that thing wasnt on my neck a while ago but I had a childhood best friend who used to wear it." Y/n took the necklace from her then she wore it. Its as if everything came rushing back to her. The crash, questions and her mission. The colors on the necklace seem to light up and swirl. Y/n's once gray eyes turned silver. Lauren look at the necklace then at Y/n,  her face showing disbelief.

"No way. It cant be." Lauren took a step back which made Y/n step forward.

"Its me Lauren. Y/n your bestfriend." Y/n held Lauren's hand which was harshly pulled away.

"Stop joking around. I saw my best friend vanish into thin air. It cant be you. I waited for her to come back each and everyday but she didnt. " Lauren yelled with tears in her eyes. Y/n hug Lauren tightly too which Lauren struggled to get out but Y/n is too strong so she settled with hitting Y/n's arm.

"I'm sorry Lauren. I'm sorry I made you wait. I'm sorry I left without a reason. I'm sorry for  hurting you." Y/n held a sniffling Lauren. Her touch calming Lauren's nerves. After a few more minutes Lauren composed herself and look unto Y/n's eyes.

"Why?" Y/n sigh.

"Let's sit down for a while yeah?" Y/n and Lauren sat down at the bench and told her story.

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